
Switzerland: Church Desecrates Church

St Peter's Chapel in Lucerne (Basel Diocese), the oldest church in the city, is currently being desecrated by homosex propaganda. The steeple and the church interior are disfigured with plastic tubes.…More
St Peter's Chapel in Lucerne (Basel Diocese), the oldest church in the city, is currently being desecrated by homosex propaganda.
The steeple and the church interior are disfigured with plastic tubes. On a blackboard, activists can leave messages, for example "Pleins de bisou de France, happy pride!" [Full of kisses from France, happy pride!]
On a side altar there is a homosex-"bible". A homosex bench is not missing either. Only Jesus Christ is nowhere to be seen. An interested audience is also nowhere in sight.
The quote: ''Loads of small kisses from France...''
White plastic tubes? What are they supposed to represent? Wait, I don't want to know!