
Next Step in Germany: Holy Communion For Moslems

It is a “common practice” in Germany that Protestants in "mixed marriages" receive Communion, Stefan Orth writes on the German bishops' katholisch.de (February 19). He mentions that the bishops meet this week in order to push for Holy Communion for Protestants.

According to Orth, it is “inconsistent” for the bishops that Protestants are allowed to receive Holy Communion during the wedding ceremony with a Catholic spouse but not afterwards.

This argument is flawed. First, Protestants who do not believe in the Eucharist (otherwise they were not Protestants) and never go to confession which is a precondition for receiving the sacrament, are never allowed to receive Communion. Second, Orth hushes up that for decades it has been a common practice in his country to invite all Protestants to receive Holy Communion. So what the bishops push for, has already been introduced.

This shows the pattern according to which Germany and later the Vatican subvert the Catholic faith: They first tolerate outrageous abuses and then proceed to "legalising" them.

Germany has a big Moslem population. It is a question of time until those Moslems will be invited to receive Communion, if they are not already.

Picture: © Jeffrey Bruno, Aleteia, CC BY-SA, #newsOatlxetlpa
They're just making their sacrilege 'official'.
More blasphemy and mortal sin. The Vatican must be thrilled.
Can we just admit that most the German Episcopate does not even believe in God anymore but are too old for a career Change?
It is terribly scandalous that the bishops push for what they have already accomplished. This strategy reminds me very much of my estimation of the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.