Laura Yunque
Is seems Russia has prevailed. Now will the fighting end?

Putin Declares 4 Annexed Regions "Ours Forever", Blames US For Nord Stream Attacks

Update(10:23ET): With the ink drying on the official annexation declarations newly signed by the heads of Luhansk, …
Laura Yunque
Now things are going to get very interesting
@mccallansteve Monitor the news for any indication of the Popes visit to Moscow. Expect an invasion of Western Europe after his return to the Vatican..
Laura Yunque
@Jeffrey Ade I agree. I was actually posting tongue -in-cheek. A bit of sarcasm.
Jeffrey Ade
Acording to Catholic prophecy Russia enters France and Italy, so I don't think this is over yet. When it gets really dark outside for three days then yep, it'll be over!