Laura Yunque

Doctors are Causing Patients to be Brain Dead So Their Hearts Can be Harvested -

A new and highly problematic means of obtaining organs is pushing the boundaries of the “dead donor rule,”…
Kelly P hedges
Mad scientist!!
Selling their souls for filthy money. Not a good deal, as they will find out
its criminal
A friend of mine has a card that says: "I am an important Catholic. In case of emergency, please call a bishop."
John A Cassani
John Paul II accepted the concept of “brain death,” defined as the “complete cessation of neurological activity,” with standards that need to be “rigorously applied.” There is no way, with the moral state of medical practitioners today that doctors could be trusted to apply these standards properly, given the great temptation to profit from donor organs. Add to that the fact that different …More
John Paul II accepted the concept of “brain death,” defined as the “complete cessation of neurological activity,” with standards that need to be “rigorously applied.” There is no way, with the moral state of medical practitioners today that doctors could be trusted to apply these standards properly, given the great temptation to profit from donor organs. Add to that the fact that different jurisdictions have different standards to apply, and even more the fact that there is no reliable way to measure whether neurological activity has, in fact, completely ceased, short of allowing more consequences of death to manifest. This doesn’t even touch on the morality of organ transplantation in general, which is a matter of debate. It’s best to stay away from hospitals these days, I think.
Live Mike
Death of the cerebellum and death of the cerebral cortex
John A Cassani
@Live Mike I believe that death of the brain stem would be added to those. Complete death of the entire brain.