
Again: Vatican Answers with Campaign of Vengeance to Assessment that Francis Is Heretic

The April 30 assessment by twenty priests and scholars that Pope Francis is a "heretic" gains ground.

More priests and scholars are adding their signature to the list. By May 3 they were 61. Additionally, over 3,000 Catholics supported it on change.org.

Oligarch media Reuters confronted a Vatican spokesman, but the famous Church of dialogue had “no comment on the letter."

This is a pattern. So far Francis has refused to answer more than a dozen previous appeals and pleas. At the same time his henchmen started personal attacks on critics like Cardinal Burke, Archbishop Viganò and others.

In the present case, Massimo Faggioli, a Francis' tool, singled out the respected Dominican Father Aidan Nichols, a signatory of the statement, asking to take vengeance on him. McCarrick Cardinal Farrell "liked" Faggioli's incitation to hatred on Twitter.

Neoconservative Providence Bishop Thomas Tobin also chose his side on Twitter, “For the record, Pope Francis is not a heretic and it’s wrong and harmful to suggest that he is.”

Picture: Kevin Farrell, © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsPchhyltxds
4,000 have signed
Maike Hickson on Twitter: "Several priests and professors (one from the Sorbonne) and PhDs will be added on Monday to the Open Letter to Bishops, raising the number to over 80. Will send link when updated."
De Profundis
It is obvious that Francis promotes heresy, because ähm, 2013-2019.
The idea that you need a degree in or canon law to be allowed eyeballs to see is Jesuitical nonsense.
Here is another attack by papal biographer Ivereigh
Maike Hickson "6 more signatories have been added to the Open Letter, with three more (all priests) in the waiting line. That makes the number of signatories 70. Important, among the signatories is Fr. Jeremy Davies, a chief exorcist who worked with Father G. Amorth."
Lisi Sterndorfer
The Vatican will persecute those that speak against the Francis regime.