Gloria.TV News on the 13th of March 2017 Another Bishop: Monsignor Richard Williamson who formerly belonged to the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X has announced the consecration of Father Gerardo …More
Gloria.TV News on the 13th of March 2017
Another Bishop: Monsignor Richard Williamson who formerly belonged to the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X has announced the consecration of Father Gerardo Zendeja as a bishop. The liturgy will take place on May 11th in Vienna, Virginia. This will be the third bishop belonging to Monsignor Williamson's group.
Triumphalism: Fr. Antonio Spadaro, the director of La Civiltà Cattolica, an almost fanatical apologist of Pope Francis, has said in an interview with the Argentinean paper, La Nacion - quote - "The Pope is today the big moral leader of the world."
No Cross, No Christ: The logo for Pope Francis' trip to Colombia features only Francis himself and contains no religious symbolism. Francis will once again blow tons of carbon into the air, this time by means of an airplane trip to Colombia, which is scheduled to take place in September.
Prize-winner: Westminster Cardinal Vincent Nichols has congratulated Francis on the fourth anniversary of his …More
Reverend Father David Hewko: Ukrainian, Mexican, Guadalupano, Cristero.
Father Geraldo Zendejas...another left-handed choice for 'bishop' from His Excellency Bishop Richard Williamson. Bishop Williamson is avoiding putting a tough, no nonsense true Roman Catholic Padre in as Bishop. Here he is: youtu.be/hfAIri3ql1o Here are his Sermons: www.youtube.com/playlist
Reverend Father David Hewko www.youtube.com/playlistMore
Father Geraldo Zendejas...another left-handed choice for 'bishop' from His Excellency Bishop Richard Williamson. Bishop Williamson is avoiding putting a tough, no nonsense true Roman Catholic Padre in as Bishop. Here he is: youtu.be/hfAIri3ql1o Here are his Sermons: www.youtube.com/playlist

Reverend Father David Hewko www.youtube.com/playlist
Hugh N. Cry
Love the laugh track.
Dr Bobus
Fr Spadaro SJ is Captain Obvious. When wasn't the pope the moral leader of the world?
"The Pope is today the big moral leader of the world." Le Vicaire du Roi des rois se doit d'être beaucoup plus que cela. Et puis en parlant de morale il y a justement un problème sans aucun dubium.
The Logo for Columbia trip shows instead of a Cross or Christ just Bergoglio walking towards an carpet with mosaique pattern like in mosques. In this context the slogan demos el primer paso (Lets do the first step) is really alarming