
Protestant Commuion: Francis Must Answer According To Faith, Not According to "Personal Opinion"

The statement of the German bishops' after their meeting with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith regarding Protestant Communion in Germany is “very poor”, according to Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller.

Talking to Edward Pentin (May 5), Müller said that the statement contained "no answer" to the central, essential question.

Müller reminded Pope Francis that he is supposed to “give a very clear orientation” regarding this [settled] question and that this is not about his “personal opinion", rather, Francis as a pope is supposed to act "according to the revealed faith.”

Müller stressed that it is not possible to be in “sacramental communion without ecclesial communion.”

He hopes that “more bishops will raise their voices and do their duty”.

The Cardinal added that “every cardinal has a duty to explain, defend, promote the Catholic faith”.

Picture: Gerhard Ludwig Müller, © michael_swan, CC BY-ND, #newsZyaaonuxht
De Profundis
In surprising endorsement of curial reform and free markets, Pope announce decision to outsource Papal Infallibility to highest bidder in Chinese auction. Germany already buy all tickets.
We read in the greatest of texts that God is Love, but we do not read anywhere that God is Sentimentalism.
Ivan Tomas
Not just cardinal. Every bishop too! Every bishop too!
But indeed, let's begin with the good cardinals to do that!
Without clearly calling a spade a spade,... to much words means not too much for no one. Especially not for the 'spades'!
God bless brave Cardinal Müller.