Vice President Kamala Harris says outright that climate change is about population reduction - THE SOURCE (see 10:50 of the second video of the link): - Vice President Harris Delivers Remarks on …More
Vice President Kamala Harris says outright that climate change is about population reduction - THE SOURCE (see 10:50 of the second video of the link): - Vice President Harris Delivers Remarks on Investments in Climate Action - Happening Now: I am in Baltimore, Maryland to announce new investments in climate action - THE VIDEO: Vice President Harris Delivers Remarks on Investing in America | investment, United States of America | Tune in as I discuss our Administration’s historic investments to rebuild our nation’s infrastructure. | By Vice President Kamala Harris - Facebook - AND HERE TOO (see 09:57): Vice President Kamala Harris on Twitter - Plandemic, vaccines, climate change, sustainable development, Agenda 2030, Great Reset, abortion, contraception, euthanasia, gender theory, homosexual marriage, transsexuality, chemtrails, electromagnetic radiation, all point to the same objective of reducing the world population -and stultifying the survivors- by various means, misleadingly …More
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Miles - Christi - English and 2 more users link to this post
Funny how God allows the idiots to slip up and reveal their real plans every now and then
The fact that she was supposed to say "pollution" is even more revealing. Elections matter.
Tom Jones
"Population Control" was Racist from the start
21 Quotes by Margaret Sanger
Super Omnia Veritas