
Francis Makes Fun of Himself: “Violence Against Women Insults God”

In his New Year's homily, Francis called for the protection of women.

"To hurt a woman is to insult God,” he exclaimed. Public participation at the Mass was very low.

During an Italian television programme last month, he told a woman who had been beaten by her ex-husband that men who commit violence against women engage in something that is "almost satanic."

In December 2019, Francis violently slapped the hand of an Asian woman several times while visiting the Nativity scene in St Peter’s Square.


Jan Joseph
Geweld tegen Traditionele Katholieken beledigt God ook.
That video... :D Those bodyguard must have gotten an epic Papal reprimand aftewards! "She touched me! I paying you two clowns for WHAT?"
Rand Miller
The best way to protect women is to promote traditional Catholicism.
Nah, the best way to protect women is to encourage them to protect themselves.
Angelo Santelli
How 'bout this Chicago fiasco from Frank's Cupich?
The "New Mess" Has Now Morphed into Barbaric Sewage
As Rendered on Christmas in Chicago, Illinois
And around the World
Without the Unchangeability of the Fully Traditional Latin Mass
Newchurch's "Liturgies" Are Becoming More and More Bizarre
And Newchurchers Who Thought They Wanted the Fake "New Mess"
Are Now Walking out in Droves, Never to Return …More
How 'bout this Chicago fiasco from Frank's Cupich?

The "New Mess" Has Now Morphed into Barbaric Sewage
As Rendered on Christmas in Chicago, Illinois
And around the World
Without the Unchangeability of the Fully Traditional Latin Mass
Newchurch's "Liturgies" Are Becoming More and More Bizarre
And Newchurchers Who Thought They Wanted the Fake "New Mess"
Are Now Walking out in Droves, Never to Return
Some Newdioceses Are Having to Slam Shut Permanently
As Many as Half Their Churches
God is unchangeable, but Newchurch is constantly changing. That is just one of many reasons you know that Newchurch is not the Catholic Church. If you want to take a look at what the "New Mess" of the apostate Newchurch is morphing into, take a look at what is being done by Francis-Bergoglio's intimate, Newcardinal Blase Cupich, in the Newarchdiocese of Chicago, Illinois.. The "New Liturgy," now under the control of local Newbishops and simulated in a cacophony of vulgar tongues from made-up texts and actions that differ from Newdiocese to Newdiocese, is turning into an even more blasphemous, sacrilegious, and idolatrous fake than it has been.
The Christmas "liturgy" featured "jazz" vulgarity, dancers around the "eucharistic" dinner table, and crude lighting effects similar to those planned for Notre Dame Cathedral and St. Peter's Archbasilica. The "New Liturgy" is crossing over from worship -- if that is what it ever was -- to barbaric entertainment for the vulgar. Large chunks of the Mess were simply left out. "Readings" consisted of screeds on purported racism, gun violence, and "social justice."

And Roman Catholics think Frank is the Vicar of Chist?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Francis is an imposter, a false-pope, maybe the anti-Christ. Eight hundred years ago, Saint Francis of Assisi on his deathbed told his friars that " in the distant future, a man will be elected to the papacy contrary to Canon law. He will be a false pontiff who by his words and deeds will lead the holy Church into error. Many bishops and priests will follow him. Our Order will likewise suffer. Great …More
Francis is an imposter, a false-pope, maybe the anti-Christ. Eight hundred years ago, Saint Francis of Assisi on his deathbed told his friars that " in the distant future, a man will be elected to the papacy contrary to Canon law. He will be a false pontiff who by his words and deeds will lead the holy Church into error. Many bishops and priests will follow him. Our Order will likewise suffer. Great damage will befall the Church. But his reign will be brief, and in the end a true pope will sit on the throne of Peter." I paraphrased the text, because it's to long to copy. But the point is that St. Francis was predicting a false pope hundreds of years in the future....a man illegally imposed on the Church who would teach error and lead the Church into error, and that many would follow and religious Orders such as the Franciscans would suffer. Many believe in St. Francis' prediction, and believe that the false pope, perhaps the anti-Christ, is Bergoglio... illegally elected and imposed on the Church by the St. Gallen Mafia and their cohorts in the conclave of 2013. Francis has, in fact nearly from day 1 of his reign, practiced and preached error, appointed apostates and heretics to major office, and lead the Church into ruin. The Franciscan Order, in bad shape even before Francis due to the "reforms" of Vatican II, is down to barely 12,500 members (27,000 before Vatican II, 18.500 when Bergoglio was elected). He has appointed multiple homosexuals to high office, as well as heretics such as Cupich, and the archbishop of Lima, Peru as well as Tobin in Newark, Gregory in Washington, Aupetit in Paris, the cardinals in Canada, the Cardinal Vicar for Rome in Italy, Zuppi in Bologna, the archbishop of Naples, Italy, the cardinal of Brussels, Belgium, and many others. Saint Francis said that the term of this imposter would be brief. If Francis is as sick as very many outlets claim, it will be brief. But he's already been in eight years too long already 😡
Louis IX
I wonder how closely St. Francis’ prophecy aligns with the 3rd Secret of Fatima? A secret mentioning a wicked anti-pope and a false council would be enough to make Pope John XXIII swoon as he read it and claim it had nothing to do with him. If only the popes had been obedient to Our Lady and revealed the real 3rd Secret and consecrated Russia.
So far for the rumor that he was going to step down in December.