
A Parody? Francis Prays For "Those Suffering Religious Discrimination"

Francis’ prayer intention for January 2022 is "for true human fraternity."

He writes, "We pray for all those suffering from religious discrimination and persecution; may their own rights and dignity be recognised, which originate from being brothers and sisters in the human family.”

Alluding to Francis' persecution of Roman Rite Catholics, Scott Gauley wrote on social media that this prayer intention is “like a parody” while Francis "is persecuting his own faithful!”

Tibor Székely, a Roman Rite Catholic, declares: “It seems that we are not among the brothers and sisters in the Church and also we cannot have dignity.”

Kevin Rilott: “I guess it's do as I say not as I do.” And Michael Fusco, “You can’t make this stuff up.”

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsVccssyoywp

la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio asks how society can allow that people are persecuted simply for professing their faith publicly, saying “Not only is it unacceptable; it’s inhuman, it’s insane.”
De Profundis shares this
Satire dies again.
Angelo Santelli
Here's the latest from this pavian:
Tell that to Saint Francis, after whom the obese one claims he took his papal name.More
Here's the latest from this pavian:


Tell that to Saint Francis, after whom the obese one claims he took his papal name.
atreverse pensar
This sound me like kabbalah
Jan Joseph
Gelukkig horen de Traditionele Rooms Katholieken al niet meer tot deze paus zijn kerk.
Francis’s talking points in 2022: Fraternity, encounter, dialogue, peace, others, migrants, dignity, peripheries, throw-away culture, peace, unity, and NO TRADITIONAL MASS!
Gotta love that disconnect. Like all Marxists, discrimination isn't discrimination when they do it. It's "affirmative action".
Pope Schizophrenia.
Hugh N. Cry
What a hypocrite!
Rand Miller
A case of projection, blame others for what you are guilty of.
Ave Crux
Who is the mystery genius behind these editorial cartoons....?
Seriously?...someone guards their privacy at least as well I do, which is no small accomplishment. The don't want the "fame" even from their fans and hell itself will freeze over before I ever name names.