Gloria.TV News on the 14th of December. Discussing The Last Judgment Nativity - an insult to Human Nature Christmas Lights - Psychological Warfare Same-sex become StraightMore
Gloria.TV News on the 14th of December.
Discussing The Last Judgment
Nativity - an insult to Human Nature
Christmas Lights - Psychological Warfare
Same-sex become Straight
On Christ :" He will be a sign of contradiction to many.." Christmas lights - Psychological warfare? The kind as perceived by my fallen away /Catholics in name only(Irish too) who felt threatened by the statue of Virgin Mary at my door step ? ( note: my private property I pay state land tax on!) - in reality HOA board members given into self pride( the original sin that brought downfall of Lucifer …More
On Christ :" He will be a sign of contradiction to many.." Christmas lights - Psychological warfare? The kind as perceived by my fallen away /Catholics in name only(Irish too) who felt threatened by the statue of Virgin Mary at my door step ? ( note: my private property I pay state land tax on!) - in reality HOA board members given into self pride( the original sin that brought downfall of Lucifer,fallen angels and Adam @eve)... and seems to be the greatest challenge for politicians wanna be of today. Enough to remember The Christmas Tsunami - is there any wonder the nature revolts and spews it's fury as warning for those who ,two thousand years later still insist "there is no room in the inn" ... nor in the courtyard,or stable?What will it take for them to get the message of Him,Who said "Before My Coming I will subdue all powers and authority unto Myself?"
If the Italian teacher was teaching about Confession to the children regarding good and evil, what is wrong with saying that grievous sins are not forgiven unless by Confession.? Why should a teacher make a big issue out of the Last Judgement to 5 and 6 years old??
Why in the name of Almighty God would the Pope send her a Papal Blessing when she had been suspended from a Catholic School...Did he …More
If the Italian teacher was teaching about Confession to the children regarding good and evil, what is wrong with saying that grievous sins are not forgiven unless by Confession.? Why should a teacher make a big issue out of the Last Judgement to 5 and 6 years old??
Why in the name of Almighty God would the Pope send her a Papal Blessing when she had been suspended from a Catholic School...Did he talk with the school?? The whole thing is a ridiculous fiasco which reflects the times...... chaos and confusion. Please God....give us back our Church....
May you all have a very Mary Christmas
Junette in Fatima
🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 @fashionvvn
That poor teacher who was suspended for teaching the truth, is to be commended. Quite unfortunate that the Vatican replied to her complaint with such usual and benal platitudes. Can an Apostolic Blessing offer to her a monthly salary? How is she going to live while suspended? Will she eventually lose her job? That letter on behalf of the Holy Father, was akin to a man with a full stomach telling a …More
That poor teacher who was suspended for teaching the truth, is to be commended. Quite unfortunate that the Vatican replied to her complaint with such usual and benal platitudes. Can an Apostolic Blessing offer to her a monthly salary? How is she going to live while suspended? Will she eventually lose her job? That letter on behalf of the Holy Father, was akin to a man with a full stomach telling a hungry man "take heart, the Lord will provide".... a waste of paper! 🤨 🤦
Holy Cannoli
I loved the penguin story.
According to Twitter feeds purportedly written by the 2 penguin buddies, the duo recently ditched the girls for a night on the town. Wrote “Buddy”: “Hope the girls aren't too worried. Never told them about Zoo Break. Guys need to hang out with the boys once in a while.”
Thanks for the news, Doina.
I loved the penguin story.

According to Twitter feeds purportedly written by the 2 penguin buddies, the duo recently ditched the girls for a night on the town. Wrote “Buddy”: “Hope the girls aren't too worried. Never told them about Zoo Break. Guys need to hang out with the boys once in a while.”

Thanks for the news, Doina.
