
Architect of the Amazon Synod Detects Big Traditionalist Conspiracy

There was a great deal of openness to far-reaching "reforms" at the Amazon Synod, but in the end "traditionalists" have prevailed. This is the opinion of Augsburg priest Paul Günther Süss, 82, who …More
There was a great deal of openness to far-reaching "reforms" at the Amazon Synod, but in the end "traditionalists" have prevailed.
This is the opinion of Augsburg priest Paul Günther Süss, 82, who emigrated to Brazil, where he calls himself "Paulo Suess." He spoke at an online conference of the relief organisations Misereor and Adveniat on 20 October.
Süss is an ally of the anti-Catholic bishop Erwin Kräutler and one of the organisers of the Amazon synod.
Alleged "traditionalists" have "pushed Francis into a corner" and accused him of heresy, Süss complained. As a result, Francis had been "very reserved" in the Synod’s final document.
Süss' "reforms" have already driven the big Protestant communities against the wall.
...and when has Pope Francis ever restrained himself in the face of criticism by traditionalists? Consider this latest fiasco over "civil unions". Our ever-lamentable Pope isn't in any "corner" and his fanboy has been guzzling too much yerba mate.