Buenos Aires Clergy Didn’t Run Away from the Virus. Buenos Aires Clergy Didn’t Run Away from the Virus Father Javier Olivera Ravasi has recalled on his blog QueNoTeLaQuenten.org the yellow fever …More
Buenos Aires Clergy Didn’t Run Away from the Virus.
Buenos Aires Clergy Didn’t Run Away from the Virus
Father Javier Olivera Ravasi has recalled on his blog QueNoTeLaQuenten.org the yellow fever epidemic that hid Buenos Aires in 1871. At the time, the city had 180,000 mostly young inhabitants. Of them, 13,600 died. This is more than those who allegedly perished from the coronavirus in Italy which has 60 milion inhabitants.
The Masons Run Away
The Argentinean president Domingo Sarmiento, a freemason and Church-hater, as well as the national and provincial authorities, ran away to the city of Mercedes, because they feared contagion. The Priests and sisters remained with their people.
Sisters of Charity Show Charity
The Sisters of Charity stopped teaching in order to work in hospitals instead. They even called in more sisters from France and from other congregations to help with the emergency. Anticlerical writers of the time tried to hush this up.
Many Priests Die Priests and nuns paid a …More
BERGOGLIO IN THE 500 aniversary of the 1° HolyMass in Argentina put the Bishop "cura villero" Mons. Jorge García Cuerva ; a leftist priest who baptized the mediatic trangender Flor de la V "babies" another scandal
Holy Cannoli
Argentina bishops step up in new fight over legalization of abortion
Catholics and evangelicals feel the need to come together and elevate our prayer to Christ, the only intercessor before the Father of all,” the statement said. “We summon believers, in each parish and temple, together with all who love the innocent unborn life, to unite in prayer and in a single feeling throughout Argentina.
Argentina bishops step up in new fight over legalization of abortion

Catholics and evangelicals feel the need to come together and elevate our prayer to Christ, the only intercessor before the Father of all,” the statement said. “We summon believers, in each parish and temple, together with all who love the innocent unborn life, to unite in prayer and in a single feeling throughout Argentina.

Intolerance Rebuked

Mark 9: 38{37}John answered him, saying: Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name, who followeth not us: and we forbade him. But Jesus said: Do not forbid him. For there is no man that doth a miracle in my name and can soon speak ill of me. For he that is not against you is for you. For whosoever shall give you to drink a cup of water in my name, because you belong to Christ: amen I say to you, he shall not lose his reward.
Holy Cannoli