De Profundis
1913: When Hitler, Trotsky, Freud and Stalin all lived together in Vienna. The characters would have spent much time in these same two square miles of central Vienna.
Jeffrey Ade
Now they are roomates!
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In Hell ! Including Teilhard de Chardin ?
Jeffrey Ade
Our Lady of Fatima said "Many souls go to hell because they have no one to pray for them!" Sad but probable. Let us try to always be thankful for the graces we have received from Almighty God and His Blessed Ever Virgin Mother, Mary!
Rand Miller
Read Read Mein Kampf and you'll have an intelligent understanding.…einkampf/english/Mein Kampf (Ford Translation).pdf
John A Cassani
So, basically, the freemasons staged their battle plan, which led to WWI, WWII, and the sexual revolution, from Vienna. I am for monarchy, in principle, but, the way that the old system fell like a house of cards, in the face of rising capitalist wealth and power did not lead to good things in this world. It happened in Britain too, but the masons saw fit to keep the monarchy around in their case.…More
So, basically, the freemasons staged their battle plan, which led to WWI, WWII, and the sexual revolution, from Vienna. I am for monarchy, in principle, but, the way that the old system fell like a house of cards, in the face of rising capitalist wealth and power did not lead to good things in this world. It happened in Britain too, but the masons saw fit to keep the monarchy around in their case. It would be worth it to investigate this more deeply.
Les Crispi
Lots of Catholics in Vienna. Huh.
Louis IX
What was in that coffee?