THE GREAT RESET: Davos & the Plot to Cancel Trump. From the Editor’s Desk, Michael Matt takes a look at some good news regarding the Covid recovery rate before he explores what’s really going on with …More
THE GREAT RESET: Davos & the Plot to Cancel Trump.
From the Editor’s Desk, Michael Matt takes a look at some good news regarding the Covid recovery rate before he explores what’s really going on with the global pandemic.
To understand what’s really happening here, he takes us to Davos, Switzerland—to the World Economic Forum—where the movers and shakers of the world have been meeting on a regular basis, especially since January 2020, to discuss the “opportunity” for a ‘global reset’ at the Davos 2021 Summit.
Using multiple video clips, Michael shows how everyone from Soros, to Gates, to Schwab, to Al Gore and the Secretary-General of the United Nations are only too eager to admit exactly what The Great Reset is all about.
Using the Trojan Horse of a very serious Coronavirus, these globalists plan to create a global reset of everything from the world economy, to population control, commerce, climate change regulation, education and the UN Sustainable Development Goals in order to “reorder …More
Miles - Christi and one more user link to this post
i follow most of Matt shows but its doing campaing for Trump ommiting serius things of D.T. that can leave catholics into a freemasonic DELUSION. One is colaboration of president T with G.A.V.I. and military to push mass vaccinations
Miles - Christi - English
It could be as you say, we'll see
I had a dream 12 years ago about Obama being president when he was not yet a president, I dreamt he would be in power for a long term, then I saw Donald Trump becoming president, and I also saw he was going to be killed.
I also saw WW3 breaking between a blood moon lunar eclipse and solar eclipse. I saw this pandemic and other pandemics coming, and many other things.
I believe we are facing perilous …More
I had a dream 12 years ago about Obama being president when he was not yet a president, I dreamt he would be in power for a long term, then I saw Donald Trump becoming president, and I also saw he was going to be killed.

I also saw WW3 breaking between a blood moon lunar eclipse and solar eclipse. I saw this pandemic and other pandemics coming, and many other things.

I believe we are facing perilous times of cataclysmic apocalyptic events that will soon start with the greater things happening and continuing probably next year. All this is not new to me, nothing can protect us for what's coming, I also saw persecution and a lot of killing.

We have to be ready to give our life for our Lord Jesus, we will all be put to the test with just a very few being the exception, most of us will die here, hopefully not after this life if we die for our Lord, I do not panic. I have accepted all this many years ago, I did not want to live it, but I"m living it, if that's God's will I know he'll give me the strength to persevere till the end and it does not matter how my death comes, or even if I am tortured for my faith.

I trust in our Lord that he will give me the strength I need to undergo any trials, and tribulations.
Honestly, I'm American, but not North American, the problem is that North American people are making this HUGE, and thanks to them we will be subjected to accept or will be forced to have the New World Order imposed.
So much trash is coming form North American News, and the entire world is watching those news unfortunately, along with European countries. Truth is that 10 kings will give the power …More
Honestly, I'm American, but not North American, the problem is that North American people are making this HUGE, and thanks to them we will be subjected to accept or will be forced to have the New World Order imposed.

So much trash is coming form North American News, and the entire world is watching those news unfortunately, along with European countries. Truth is that 10 kings will give the power to the Anti-Christ. We know that such countries are the ones with more influential power. The UN is in the USA, the new spot for freemasonry that will surrender the power of the World to the Anti-Christ.

This is Biblical prophecy, inevitable, we can just delay what's coming if we pray and fast, and above all CONVERT AND DO PENANCE, PRAY THE ROSARY. But it will happen sooner or later, regardless of our efforts.
Miles - Christi - English
We must understand that we are witnessing what was announced to us by Saint Paul, when, when speaking of the end times, he said that men “will turn away their ears from the truth and turn to fables” (2 Tim. 4, 4) . The final words of the book of Daniel also come to mind, referring to eschatological times: “Many will be purified and refined, and they will be made clean, but the wicked will persevere …More
We must understand that we are witnessing what was announced to us by Saint Paul, when, when speaking of the end times, he said that men “will turn away their ears from the truth and turn to fables” (2 Tim. 4, 4) . The final words of the book of Daniel also come to mind, referring to eschatological times: “Many will be purified and refined, and they will be made clean, but the wicked will persevere in their wickedness. None of them will understand anything, but the sages will understand everything. " (Dn. 12, 10). The dimension of present evil, in its triple spiritual, intellectual and moral facet, is universal, and undoubtedly heralds the forthcoming advent of the Man of Sin, from whose ominous oppression we will finally be freed by Our Lord Jesus Christ in person, on the occasion of his glorious Parousia. Meanwhile, let us watch and pray, so that, in these dark times, we may persevere in faith, hope and charity, waiting for the divine promise to be fulfilled: “Prudent men will shine like the brightness of the firmament , and those who have taught justice to many, will shine like the stars, forever and ever. " (Dan. 12, 3).
One of Michael Matt's better pieces.
Miles - Christi - English
I agree, but he has a lot of programs of this quality...
True, he does indeed. I suppose I just wanted to stress the soundness and timeliness of this one. I shared it with my Protestant sister who said of it:.
"I don't disagree with this
I'm in total step with this."
It is interesting that several people who aren't Catholic but have welcomed me sharing things about the crisis in the Church and it's relevance to these times have expressed a desire …More
True, he does indeed. I suppose I just wanted to stress the soundness and timeliness of this one. I shared it with my Protestant sister who said of it:.
"I don't disagree with this
I'm in total step with this."

It is interesting that several people who aren't Catholic but have welcomed me sharing things about the crisis in the Church and it's relevance to these times have expressed a desire to become Catholics, not in spite of the crisis in the Church, but because of it.
F M Shyanguya
❌ Michael Matt ❌
❌ The Remnant ❌More
❌ Michael Matt ❌

❌ The Remnant ❌
Miles - Christi
Why? Nobody is perfect. I also disagree with him on some issues, but his work is globally of high quality
F M Shyanguya
In general, what I have against the so-called Traditionalists, they have done and continue to do incalculable harm to the Church, and for sordid money.
Miles - Christi
Surely there must be some people who are as you say, but I don't think that this is the case with Michael Matt. From what I know of him, he is an honest and very respectable person, and very generous and courageous in his defense of the faith. Even if I don't agree with him in everything...
F M Shyanguya
@Miles - Christi
I appreciate your respectful and thoughtful interaction.
In a comment at Remnant, a reader said that because EF of Mass is not readily accessible to him, he doesn’t attend nor allow his family to attend OF of the Mass [disparagingly referred to as “Novus Ordo”] because doing so would lead to a loss of Faith. He just stayed at home and prayed the Rosary.
This erroneous position …More
@Miles - Christi

I appreciate your respectful and thoughtful interaction.

In a comment at Remnant, a reader said that because EF of Mass is not readily accessible to him, he doesn’t attend nor allow his family to attend OF of the Mass [disparagingly referred to as “Novus Ordo”] because doing so would lead to a loss of Faith. He just stayed at home and prayed the Rosary.

This erroneous position was allowed to stand without correction with only me trying to point what was wrong with this thinking and omission.
Miles - Christi - English
I understand your position. But I assure you that the traditionalists do not do it for money, but for doctrinal issues, with which you do not agree, which can be understood. Personally, I am more to the "right" than Matt, I mean without provocation. I am one of those who consider that the conciliar popes are anti-popes and that the Vatican Council 2 is illegitimate and should be completely rejected …More
I understand your position. But I assure you that the traditionalists do not do it for money, but for doctrinal issues, with which you do not agree, which can be understood. Personally, I am more to the "right" than Matt, I mean without provocation. I am one of those who consider that the conciliar popes are anti-popes and that the Vatican Council 2 is illegitimate and should be completely rejected for its modernism. But I also understand that the matter is complex, and that not everyone understands what happened, much less that something like that may have happened. Anyway, let's pray, and may God enlighten us and help everyone.
F M Shyanguya
Thank you for explaining your position.
Before we leave Matt, what happened here is exactly what I experienced at his site:
Communication is one-directional; alternate views not broached or entertained; must have last word; banned.
You are actually a breath of fresh air even as you say are more to the right.
My view is pretty simple: despite conspirators/innovators/apostates/enemies/cockle
right …More
Thank you for explaining your position.

Before we leave Matt, what happened here is exactly what I experienced at his site:

Communication is one-directional; alternate views not broached or entertained; must have last word; banned.

You are actually a breath of fresh air even as you say are more to the right.

My view is pretty simple: despite conspirators/innovators/apostates/enemies/cockle
right in the bosom of the Church, the Church still continues holy and unprevailed upon.
Miles - Christi - English
Thank you very much. It is important for me not to fall into a sectarian attitude and to always maintain charity towards those who diverge from my position. And I fully agree with what you say about the Church. But she is currently living her Passion, following in the footsteps of her divine Master, and awaiting her resurrection ...