“God is one: our cultures have taught us to call him by one name, by another, and to find him in different ways, but he is the same father of all of us,” Pope Francis said. “He is one.”
“And all religions, all cultures, look at the one God in different ways.”
“Please do not forget, please pray for me and not against me,” he added.
Francis concluded his remarks with the blessing.
“Now I would …More
“God is one: our cultures have taught us to call him by one name, by another, and to find him in different ways, but he is the same father of all of us,” Pope Francis said. “He is one.”
“And all religions, all cultures, look at the one God in different ways.”
“Please do not forget, please pray for me and not against me,” he added.

Francis concluded his remarks with the blessing.
“Now I would like to give you the blessing, but I will give it in silence, so everyone receives it from God in the way they believe. A minute of silence, and I give my blessing to all of you,” he said.

Pope Francis gives prisoners silent blessing ‘so everyone receives it from God in the way they believe …

VERONA, Italy (LifeSiteNews) — Pope Francis gave a group of prisoners from various religions a blessing …
Now let us break out the guitar and sing Micheal rowed his bout ashore 🤪
Blasphemy!!!…nothing less than damnable blasphemy. How long, O Lord…how long. 😢😢😭😭😭
Jayjayem Gee
Ummm Jesus Christ????????
Ivan Tomas
His secret. He doesn't believe in God.
Whoever doesn't believe in the Son, he doesn't believe in the Father.
James Manning
We get it. You're the False Prophet. Can we just speed this whole Armageddon thing up, please? I'm getting impatient.
Ivan Tomas
Communist, Peronist and an anti-Catholic.
In other words, he's ashamed of Jesus Christ. Luke 9:26
What if one's religion - one's "god" - doesn't accept so-called "blessings" from you? Huh? 🤔 🤫 Once some Baptists came to a Catholic shrine that was also a tourist attraction of sorts. When the priest invited them to come forward at communion time to receive a "blessings' with arms folded across their chests [since 'unfortunately' he couldn't give them the Blessed Sacrament 'because we weren't …More
What if one's religion - one's "god" - doesn't accept so-called "blessings" from you? Huh? 🤔 🤫 Once some Baptists came to a Catholic shrine that was also a tourist attraction of sorts. When the priest invited them to come forward at communion time to receive a "blessings' with arms folded across their chests [since 'unfortunately' he couldn't give them the Blessed Sacrament 'because we weren't in "full communion" yet' (sic - his words)]- the Protestants just sat in their seats ignoring him! I have more respect for them than the former.
Simon North
Anathema sit!