
Bishop Raúl Vera Celebrates Homosex Mass

A January 13 “thanksgiving” eucharist for the San Aelredo Community was presided by Saltillo Bishop Raúl Vera, Mexico, the diocese reported on Twitter.com (January 14). San Aelredo promotes the homosex …More
A January 13 “thanksgiving” eucharist for the San Aelredo Community was presided by Saltillo Bishop Raúl Vera, Mexico, the diocese reported on Twitter.com (January 14).
San Aelredo promotes the homosex agenda. Vera is known for his weakness for practicing homosexuals.
He said that he always tells homosex groups “not to stop fighting because they are the ones who are going to help us do real pastoral work.”
Vera co-presided the eucharist with Deacon Julián Cruzalta, a run-away Dominican, who advertises homosexual fornication and founded in Mexico the Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir (Catholics for a Free Choice) who promote killing unborn babies.
Another co-presider was long-haired Father Adolfo “Goffo” Huerta Alemán. Years ago, he admitted that he had frequent sexual relations, and that “I don’t give a damn” about whether God exists or not.
Unrepentant Jorge of the Pachamamas unleashed on the world.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
Thors Catholic Hammer
Such revolting and ugly liturgical practices will continue until the recently excommunicated Jorge bergoglio aka “pope” francis is formally removed from any position of ecclesiastical authority.
Fr Adolfo would be an ideal FrancisCardinal, a man of his mind.
Novella Nurney
What an utterly revolting display of the Apostate Church. If you dont believe in God your not Catholic. If your not Catholic you cant be a priest . Who supports and joined in this sacrilegious, blasphemous display ? Sacred Heart of Jesus ,have mercy on us, and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Serious liturgical abuses continue unchecked in thencatholic world. why? Answer =the catholic bishops under the excommunicated antipope francis are paralyzed and unwilling to act.
Please be so good as to explain, then, the cause of all the serious liturgical abuses that continued unchecked under every pope after Vatican Council II and before Francis?
Thors Catholic Hammer
There has been a decline in general ecclesiastical discipline following the 2nd Vat Council.
The liturgy is not the cause of this collapse but where abuses occur , a symptom.
[This focus on liturgy as the primal source of catholicism is erroneous in the extreme.
You seem to be unaware that catholicism is a living religion made of living human beings worshipping the one true God Jesus Christ who …More
There has been a decline in general ecclesiastical discipline following the 2nd Vat Council.
The liturgy is not the cause of this collapse but where abuses occur , a symptom.
[This focus on liturgy as the primal source of catholicism is erroneous in the extreme.
You seem to be unaware that catholicism is a living religion made of living human beings worshipping the one true God Jesus Christ who is its Head.
The liturgy exists to serve these catholics not the other way around.]