Gays Aren't "Born That Way" -- Lesbian Says So

Gays Aren't "Born That Way" -- Lesbian Says So In an astonishing column published in the winger-left publication, "The Atlantic," openly "queer woman" (her words) Lindsay Miller says flatly, "In direct …More
Gays Aren't "Born That Way" -- Lesbian Says So
In an astonishing column published in the winger-left publication, "The Atlantic," openly "queer woman" (her words) Lindsay Miller says flatly, "In direct opposition to both the mainstream gay movement and Lady Gaga, I would like to state for the record that I was not born this way."
Tellingly, she argues that saying people are "born this way" is a form of condescension, and she resents it mightily. "I get frustrated with the veiled condescension of straight people who believe that queers 'can't help it,' and thus should be treated with tolerance and pity."
I've got news for Ms. Miller — it's not straights saying that you can't help it, it is your co-belligerents in the homosexual movement. In the pro-family movement, we entirely agree with you that sexual behavior in the end is always a matter of choice. We have no condescension towards you in the least — we regard you as men and women made in the image of God who are perfectly capable of …More
Well Holy Cannoli
I don't know exactly what anti-American Chap you mean
but I can ensure you I love all American.
Oh, and ... all Brits as well. 👌
Well Holy Cannoli

I don't know exactly what anti-American Chap you mean
but I can ensure you I love all American.
Oh, and ... all Brits as well. 👌
O MY JESUS, forgive us our sins,
save us from the fires of hell.
Lead all souls to heaven,
especially those in most
need of Thy mercy. Amen.
Holy Cannoli
Since I made a recommendation for the lesbian poster to seek out websites in which she would feel more comfortable, I have a similar recommendation for a certain anti-American "chap" who also appears on this thread.
Since I made a recommendation for the lesbian poster to seek out websites in which she would feel more comfortable, I have a similar recommendation for a certain anti-American "chap" who also appears on this thread.

@JTLuizza - Indeed. The Church consists of human beings trying to be holy. I think Muuno deifies the clergy, i.e. if a priest or Pope could teach error in the past, then what is to stop them today, and therefore could the teaching on homosexuality be erroneous? I think herein lies her problem, hence my advice to seek spiritual direction and to journey through her crisis in the privacy of prayer and …More
@JTLuizza - Indeed. The Church consists of human beings trying to be holy. I think Muuno deifies the clergy, i.e. if a priest or Pope could teach error in the past, then what is to stop them today, and therefore could the teaching on homosexuality be erroneous? I think herein lies her problem, hence my advice to seek spiritual direction and to journey through her crisis in the privacy of prayer and study in this context.

Let us pray for her so that she might come to terms with the Church's teachings and give her whatever support we can, here on

😇 🤗
"First off, I gotta tell you I'm a communist. ;p
Second, no one holds monopoly as to what the Word of God truly is about. No one. Centuries of history have revealed to us that the Church has made mistakes. Popes have made mistakes. And big ones, too."?
Even heathens should be granted the benefit of hindsight. Given the evidence of the twentieth century it's stupid at best to be a communist. …More

"First off, I gotta tell you I'm a communist. ;p

Second, no one holds monopoly as to what the Word of God truly is about. No one. Centuries of history have revealed to us that the Church has made mistakes. Popes have made mistakes. And big ones, too."?

Even heathens should be granted the benefit of hindsight. Given the evidence of the twentieth century it's stupid at best to be a communist.

The Catholic Church holds a "monopoly" by virtue of Her Founder. The Church is the pillar and bulwark of Truth. Reject that and you reject life itself.

The Church has had some doozies for Popes. The very first Pope, St. Peter, chickened out under duress even though he thought he would never do such a thing. But afterwards he repented and his failure helped to galvenize him in his faith such that eventually he was martyred. He was crucified upside down, because he didn't want to die in the same way that your Lord and my Lord died.

Impeccable is not you or me. It is not a Pope, or Bishop. It is the Christ and His Holy Mother.

Be humble as a fallen creature and seek to fulfill His will with the time you've been given.

You're not as smart as you think you are. None of us are.
holyrope 3
👏 🚬
@philosopher - A most excellent presentation mate! Thanks. 🙂
@Muuno - I know that on there are the chaps who love a 'witch-hunt' and love to carry torches of hate - two of whom are most present on this thread.
HOWEVER, try and plough through the writings of Theresa of Avila and John of the Cross. Like all the Saints before and after them, they speak of the intelect governing the emotions …More
@philosopher - A most excellent presentation mate! Thanks. 🙂
@Muuno - I know that on there are the chaps who love a 'witch-hunt' and love to carry torches of hate - two of whom are most present on this thread.

HOWEVER, try and plough through the writings of Theresa of Avila and John of the Cross. Like all the Saints before and after them, they speak of the intelect governing the emotions and so ruling ones actions. I get the distinct impression from your posts that you are thinking from the point of emotion - if it feels good and it does not hurt anyone, why not?! This is decidedly pagan and is at the root of many a pagan society, e.g. the ancient Persians, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans, Carolingians, etc. In the modern world we see this in the past European Empires, and now in the USA and European nations.

When something cannot be reconciled with ones faith, do not attempt to search for an hermeneutic 'way out'. If the FAITH says that homosexual sex is disordered, it is up to YOU to wrestle with this truth in the privacy of spiritual direction with your confessor, and in deep guided study and prayer. In doing so, you teach the Church's teachings, while you struggle with it. But NEVER, NEVER, try to disprove it, on the basis of emotional reasons. (Reason would not confound this teaching, for it is, as Philosopher has said, 'natural law'.)

God's speed Muuno!
😇 🤗
Simple but orthodox Catholic
@philosopher 😇 🤗 👍
Christus vincit Christus regnat Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!More
@philosopher 😇 🤗 👍

Christus vincit Christus regnat Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!
@Muuno- The natural law argument for healthy and good human sexuality as existing within the bonds of marriage between one man and one woman- has never been refuted, because it can no more be refuted than 3 is the square root of 9 or the logical law of non-contradiction can be refuted. The truth of the Natural Law, that the Magisterium has handed on from Christ, whom is Truth itself, is true, not …More
@Muuno- The natural law argument for healthy and good human sexuality as existing within the bonds of marriage between one man and one woman- has never been refuted, because it can no more be refuted than 3 is the square root of 9 or the logical law of non-contradiction can be refuted. The truth of the Natural Law, that the Magisterium has handed on from Christ, whom is Truth itself, is true, not because they are socially constructed, but because they are transcendent to the social, cultural and historical plane of existence-this truth can be grasped by the light of natural reason, with an intrinsic necessity.

Second, Catholics who disagree with your relativising and deconstruction of human sexuality, don't hate anyone with same sex attractions or desires. We only hate the sin of sodomy, the action, not the person. We are all sinners, guilty of some sin or another, and we all are in need of the redemptive Grace of Our Lord through the sacraments.
Simple but orthodox Catholic
I have really only come to this particular discussion very late in the piece. Please allow me, however, to add my twuppence-worth. I am sorry to pick up the dejected tone in your posting and I'm sorry if you feel that those who disagree with you are coming from prejudice rather than love. But at times what is required is tough love. The Church as a good Mother must set boundaries for its …More
I have really only come to this particular discussion very late in the piece. Please allow me, however, to add my twuppence-worth. I am sorry to pick up the dejected tone in your posting and I'm sorry if you feel that those who disagree with you are coming from prejudice rather than love. But at times what is required is tough love. The Church as a good Mother must set boundaries for its children otherwise passions, bad company, experimentation, rebellion, drugs and alcohol can lead people from the straight and narrow. Too often over the last 30 or so years situations have been allowed to develop where "mellowness" was all the vogue ... morals were thought to be flexible ... there was no black and white but a miasma of grey. BUT, in fact, objective truth, absolute truth about morals does exist and it is up to the Magisterium of the Church to teach what THAT is [and at some level in you, this idea, I suspect, must still resonate or else you would not have come to this website and attempted to dialogue so much]. So, please, do not be so quick to dismiss the "authority of the Church". It is not "the old fogey taking all fun out of life". It is actually the institution that, if it is heard and followed, will fill so many more people with hope, peace and, yes, fun. Fathers who don't go to bars, but go home to their families, to love their wives and provide the necessary male authority model for their children create not only a happy family now but well-rounded, integrated, faith-filled future models for countless more children who won't turn to drugs, alcohol, petty theft, low scholastic achievement and so on and so on and so on ... not a vicious cycle but a virtuous cycle. Parents who struggle together through stormy periods with perseverance and with the determination to focus and work on the love they had/have together rather than the present temporary irritant will not only create a truly growth-inducing platform for themselves but will also teach their chidren the reality that difficulties need to be faced, forgiveness must always be offered and so the kids will find themselves in a very secure environment in which to develop and grow. There are countless other examples of how following the teachings of the Church can actually solve problems and bring people closer together. People who have opposed what you say do not simply do it because it does no echo their own beliefs but because it does not follow the teachings of the Church. It may be small comfort but, on this issue, the Church has made it very clear that it does not focus on the actor but on the action. The latter is unacceptable in the Christian Community but ... there is a duty incumbent on all of us to challenge, naturally, but also support and encourage the former. So, Muuno, please don't leave this site. We are all sinners ... the Lord came to call sinners not the healthy. In his human nature He was tempted in ALL things that we are and he experienced to the nth degree EVERYTHING that we suffer. He understands us all - the young man out of work contemplating suicide; the young girl pregnant at 14 and the jock father refusing to take any resposibility; the young boy who can't take his eyes off another young woman in her class but can't understand why. Jesus though understands all these situations and is inviting all these people to let Him in to their heart so that He can give them peace - if they would only entrust themselves to His Divine Mercy. And the Church is there too ... clearly, unequivocally but also lovingly and gently presenting us with what is the right response in keeping with our true human nature. "GloriaTV" is for all who are humbly seeking the truth ... those who "continue to work out [their] salvation with fear and trembling".
Take care my sister and let's pray for each other ... you for me that I will be less keen to judge but see in ALL my sister and brother in Christ; me for you that you will humbly open yourself to the Lord's promptings coming to you through the teachings of His Church.
Cristus vincit Christus regnat Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!
@WELL... apparently all of the people in here.
I'm tired of fighting all the battles. I could dispute your claims, but it's rarely worth it, so in just a few words, I disagree. If you choose prejudice over love, if you're willing to justify all such statements in the authority of the Church, if you will automatically discredit what people have to say simply because it does not echo your own beliefs …More
@WELL... apparently all of the people in here.

I'm tired of fighting all the battles. I could dispute your claims, but it's rarely worth it, so in just a few words, I disagree. If you choose prejudice over love, if you're willing to justify all such statements in the authority of the Church, if you will automatically discredit what people have to say simply because it does not echo your own beliefs - it is not okay. But there is nothing I can do about it. So I'll leave you alone.
"In direct opposition to both the mainstream gay movement and Lady Gaga, I would like to state for the record that I was not born this way."- Wow, out of the mouth of Babes.
Sorry if this grosses anyone out, but:
Acts of a sexual nature are always a choice. Even, the Man to Man sex-advocate Gore Vidal, said that. Desire is not a choice.
But, desires are not always pure, nor are they by necessity …More
"In direct opposition to both the mainstream gay movement and Lady Gaga, I would like to state for the record that I was not born this way."- Wow, out of the mouth of Babes.

Sorry if this grosses anyone out, but:

Acts of a sexual nature are always a choice. Even, the Man to Man sex-advocate Gore Vidal, said that. Desire is not a choice.
But, desires are not always pure, nor are they by necessity natural, or have to be acted upon by necessity.

The Church and Her Magesterial teachings are crystal clear- homosexual acts are gravely disordered.

@Muuno Why? Because these acts do not lead to life, or the flourishment of life. In the union between a man and woman, the natural designs of the reproductive organs teleologically are oriented and unified. Sodomy is teleological disoriented and is not an act of union, but of disunity. Why? The uterus is a place of life, but the lower intestines is a place of decay and death.

I always found it interesting, that gay couples who claim they are drawn to the same sex, actually, try to re-create a kind of psuedo-heterosexuality. In other words, in Lesbian couples one will take on a more masculine role, and the other a feminine one. Moreover, they use psuedo-male prosthetics in their sexual activity. We see the same in the male gay couples. One takes on the female role, and the other the masculine.
The man-girl’s lower intestines is used in substitution for female genitalia.

Clearly it is against Natural Law.

Holy Cannoli
@Leone & Holyrope
@Leone & Holyrope

Holy Cannoli
I just thought I'd add this, though. I'm sorry if I've offended you through any of this. It was not my intention. See, that's one of the reasons this type of discrimination makes me angry - it makes people fling hurtful words at one another.
B.S. If it truly was your intention not to offend, you wouldn't be posting sodomite cr*p from sodomite websites on a Catholic/Christian message board. But “to …More
I just thought I'd add this, though. I'm sorry if I've offended you through any of this. It was not my intention. See, that's one of the reasons this type of discrimination makes me angry - it makes people fling hurtful words at one another.

B.S. If it truly was your intention not to offend, you wouldn't be posting sodomite cr*p from sodomite websites on a Catholic/Christian message board. But “to offend” is exactly your intention and that's why you are here in the first place.

Incidentally, a splendid job of cutting and pasting from queer websites but I'm afraid it's all for naught. It was the same old typical sodomite justification garbage that I've seen before so I merely skimmed a few lines but enough to clearly see the degenerate agenda at work.

So, bottom line. Like I said. We’re not supposed to let the isolated quotes do all the talking.

You have actually stumbled upon part of the truth although you've, predictably, drawn the wrong conclusions.

Christ established a Church and Catholics look to that Church for guidance and for instruction in scriptural matters that seem to be contradictory or difficult to understand. No person or, especially, no group of deviates has the authority to determine what scripture means. The only infallible authority that can interpret the meaning of scripture is the divinely instituted instrument established by the Son of God. That instrument is His Catholic Church.

You, like all sodomites, have attempted to usurp the Divine authority of the Church for yourself. So you and your queer sources merrily twist and turn scripture to suit and to justify your own deviate agenda. Sorry, that won't work.

And incidentally – why have you insulted me repeatedly throughout your reply to my comment? I didn’t insult you.

When you insult or misrepresent the people, the institutions or those things that I love, as you have done, you are insulting me. It's personal and it deserves a personal response. That's the way I roll, Sodomite.

While you’re driving your new Cadillac around, do think of how many people that money could’ve fed and clothed.

In truth, my Cadillac is a few years old but women still love it and me. Nobody is starving in America and nobody is naked and I haven't taken a vow of poverty. My contributions to charity are my own business and not meant for a typical sick sodomite who is trying, in every way possible, to justify her own perversion.

Look, you don't belong here. If you want to read, if you want to learn, and if you want to be informed about Catholicism, fine. But, posting your homo-promo cr*p is out of line on a board devoted to Catholicism. You have plenty of places for like minded queers and this is not one of them. You are a disruptor, you are selfish, you are self-absorbed, you are inconsiderate of others and you are an anti-Christian bigot. The members here want to be with other like-minded Christians/Catholics/Orthodox. That should not be difficult for you to understand or to respect.

There are plenty of queer sites where you can attack the beliefs of Christians, distort the meaning of scripture and proclaim the joy of queerdom with impunity. You won't see me preaching on your sites and I don't expect to see you preaching on this one.

You've taken up too much of my time already, I've said all I need to say and I'm done with you.


@Holy Cannoli
(6 - and last.)
I just thought I'd add this, though. I'm sorry if I've offended you through any of this. It was not my intention. See, that's one of the reasons this type of discrimination makes me angry - it makes people fling hurtful words at one another.More
@Holy Cannoli

(6 - and last.)

I just thought I'd add this, though. I'm sorry if I've offended you through any of this. It was not my intention. See, that's one of the reasons this type of discrimination makes me angry - it makes people fling hurtful words at one another.
@Holy Cannoli
“Nobody has condemned anybodyexcept for you condemning straights who care about basic survival essentials such as their car, house, money etc. etc."
Well – “nobody has condemned anybody” – I wouldn’t exactly say that. Historically, many people and institutions have discriminated against homosexuals. But you and I already know this.
I guess I wasn’t clear enough, in my critique …More
@Holy Cannoli


“Nobody has condemned anybodyexcept for you condemning straights who care about basic survival essentials such as their car, house, money etc. etc."

Well – “nobody has condemned anybody” – I wouldn’t exactly say that. Historically, many people and institutions have discriminated against homosexuals. But you and I already know this.

I guess I wasn’t clear enough, in my critique of the middle class. I want to clarify that I mean no harm against people who “care about basic survival/living essentials.” All humans in the world do that. I just don’t think Jesus approves of people who only care about themselves and about their stuff, and don’t care to do something to remedy the great poverty and injustice there is in the world.

While you’re driving your new Cadillac around, do think of how many people that money could’ve fed and clothed.

And incidentally – why have you insulted me repeatedly throughout your reply to my comment? I didn’t insult you. Only, if you’re one of those people who don’t care about the rest of the world, I’d say you maybe need to rethink what you’re doing, and ask yourself whether your lifestyle really matches the message of God. Or whether you’re just being a sodomite, in Ezekiel’s terms (16:48-49).
4 more comments from Muuno
@Holy Cannoli
"...some theologians do argue that Christ approved the union of two homosexual men, among other gay-affirming things.Put up or shut up. Site chapter and verse that proves Christ approved of homosexual unions."
Matthew 19:10-12…/gay_couple.html
I’ll explain that, too, if you really want me to. Just message me and I’ll do that.More
@Holy Cannoli

"...some theologians do argue that Christ approved the union of two homosexual men, among other gay-affirming things.Put up or shut up. Site chapter and verse that proves Christ approved of homosexual unions."

Matthew 19:10-12…/gay_couple.html

I’ll explain that, too, if you really want me to. Just message me and I’ll do that.
@Holy Cannoli
Now for 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. “Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor boy prostitutes nor sodomites nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God.”
The context first, then. What is Paul doing? He’s scolding the Corinthian …More
@Holy Cannoli


Now for 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. “Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor boy prostitutes nor sodomites nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God.”

The context first, then. What is Paul doing? He’s scolding the Corinthian Church because they’re messing up badly and failing to observe the most basic of Christian principles: love your brother as yourself (sound familiar?). Hence this list of behaviors that are damaging their community’s spirituality.

The version of the Bible you’ve cited uses the word “sodomites.” Do you know the history behind this word choice? The original Greek term is probably a word that Paul himself coined – it appears only once more, in Timothy: “arsenokoitai.”

And I think the history of what we’ve done with this word has already been very effectively explained by Rev. Mel White:

“As for arsenokoitai, Greek scholars don't know exactly what it means -- and the fact that we don't know is a big part of this tragic debate. Some scholars believe Paul was coining a name to refer to the customers of ‘the effeminate call boys.’ We might call them ‘dirty old men.’ Others translate the word as ‘sodomites,’ but never explain what that means.”

Here I interject to point out that the Bible speaks very clearly of what a sodomite really is: “This is the sin of Sodom; she and her suburbs had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not help or encourage the poor and needy. They were arrogant and this was abominable in God's eyes.” (Ezekiel 16:48-49)

Okay. Back to White’s summary:

“In 1958, for the first time in history, a person translating that mysterious Greek word (arsenokoitai) into English decided it meant homosexuals, even though there is, in fact, no such word in Greek or Hebrew. But that translator made the decision for all of us that placed the word homosexual in the English-language Bible for the very first time.

In the past, people used Paul's writings to support slavery, segregation, and apartheid. People still use Paul's writings to oppress women and limit their role in the home, in church, and in society.
Now we have to ask ourselves, ‘Is it happening again?’ Is a word in Greek that has no clear definition being used to reflect society's prejudice and condemn God's gay children?

We all need to look more closely at that mysterious Greek word arsenokoitai in its original context. I find most convincing the argument from history that Paul is condemning the married men who hired hairless young boys for sexual pleasure just as they hired smooth-skinned young girls for that purpose.”

*sigh* There.

If there are any other passages that you think are anti-gay, please let me know and I’ll produce an answer from the very neglected depths of theology.
@Holy Cannoli
So! Keeping all that in mind, let’s take a look at Romans 1:26-27:“Therefore, God handed them over to degrading passions. Their females exchanged natural relations for unnatural, and the males likewise gave up natural relations with females and burned with lust for one another. Males did shameful things with males and thus received in their own persons the due penalty for their …More
@Holy Cannoli


So! Keeping all that in mind, let’s take a look at Romans 1:26-27:“Therefore, God handed them over to degrading passions. Their females exchanged natural relations for unnatural, and the males likewise gave up natural relations with females and burned with lust for one another. Males did shameful things with males and thus received in their own persons the due penalty for their perversity.”

First off, the context. Who/what is this passage talking about? It’s talking about “all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness” (Romans 1:18). The phrase “burned with lust” tells us what kind of wickedness it is: sexual depravity. And that affects how we should read the homosexual acts depicted in this passage: homosexual acts in the context of depravity.

We must bear in mind that Paul wrote this section of his letter as a reaction to the rampant paganism that he witnessed in his missionary tour of the Mediterranean. Everywhere there were temples devoted to Aphrodite and other (fake) entities that were supposed to be the gods of fertility, sex, and pleasure. The people who practiced these ungodly religions did sexually immoral things, such as having same-sex coitus with male and female temple prostitutes, having orgies, etc.

Now, THAT is depravity.

I seriously doubt that these temple prostitutes, or the men and women who had sexual relations with them, were homosexual by a pre-natal predisposition. They were having sex with one another because they lived for pleasure. And that was the kind of act Paul was trying to protect the Church of the Romans from, since they lived in close proximity to these sexually-minded pagans.

Also, note that he says, “females exchanged natural relations for unnatural.” But, just as most humans seem to have a natural sexual attraction for members of the opposite sex, others do have an equally natural sexual attraction for members of the same sex. We share this trait with other 1,500 mammal species, including all the great apes. And, among all the people who identify as homosexual, at least some of these have come to think of themselves in this way because they genuinely have a genetically-determined, natural attraction for same-sex humans.

Now let’s bring love into consideration. Let’s ask ourselves this: does this passage declare that two people (who owe their homosexual tendencies mostly to pre-natal factors) cannot spend their lives together in a context of love, commitment, growth, and mutual respect?

No, it doesn’t. This passage is not concerned with that at all. It doesn’t say anything about that particular type of homosexual relationship because it’s a warning against libertinage. Of the kind both heterosexual and homosexual people might indulge in.

So, Paul condemns only certain forms of homosexual acts in Romans 1:26-27. Just as other parts of the Bible condemn certain forms of heterosexual sex.
@Holy Cannoli
Oh, boy. Well, um... I have a reply for you, but it's a long answer. I guess I'll just have to split it up into a few smaller ones.
Actually, I am familiar with the Scriptures.I’ve done a lot of research about this. I’m quite familiar with what the Bible has to say about homosexuality. I’m not going to analyze every single one of the clobber passages for you, but if you want to …More
@Holy Cannoli

Oh, boy. Well, um... I have a reply for you, but it's a long answer. I guess I'll just have to split it up into a few smaller ones.


Actually, I am familiar with the Scriptures.I’ve done a lot of research about this. I’m quite familiar with what the Bible has to say about homosexuality. I’m not going to analyze every single one of the clobber passages for you, but if you want to dwell on those two, then let’s do that.

Just a few notes before we start, though. When we study the Bible, it’s not enough to just read it and let the isolated quotes do all the talking. This example should help me show you what I mean:

“Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.” (Lev 19:19)

So how many of us only wear stuff that is 100% cotton?

Another example:

“Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard.” (Lev 19:27)

So does this mean that it’s sinful to cut your hair? Do men sin every single time they shave?

These quotes can be very confusing if you just take them at face value. Which is why, when we read them, we need to interpret them in the light of two things: 1) super importantly, the context. What was the text’s original audience? Its original intention? To what extent might it apply to us? And 2) God’s immense, all-consuming love for us. If we read things that way, we’ll probably come much, much closer to what God’s actual message is.

Then we’ll know these two quotes I’ve cited above are part of what is typically called the Holiness Code: a set of principles in Leviticus by which God was trying to give his people a sense of identity – which they would gradually foster by having all these customs and rules in common. By having traditions and rules different from those of all the other nations around them, the Israelites would become a distinct, unique, separate group. And that was important to God, because he wanted to keep them from mixing with other cultures and bringing over foreign customs that would contaminate the seeds of Christianity.

And of course we’ll also know these principles don’t apply to us anymore. Paul himself says so: take a peek at Galatians 3:23-25.

So, bottom line. Like I said. We’re not supposed to let the isolated quotes do all the talking.