France: One to Zero for Our Lady

In 1945, a family in La Flotte-en-Ré, a French tourist resort on the Atlantic coast, erected a statue of Our Lady after their father and son returned safe from the Second World War.

The statue was first placed in a private garden. In 1983, it was given to the town council and placed in its current location.

In 2020, the statue was destroyed by a driver, but the municipality restored it.

Then a group of Church-haters calling themselves "La Libre Pensée" ("free thought") sued the city, citing an outdated 1905 law that bans religious emblems in public spaces (no "free thought").

The administrative court of Poitiers, France, ordered the demolition of the beautiful statue "in the name of secularism." The term "secularism" is a euphemism for hatred of religion.

The Church-haters fought for three years to have Our Lady removed. When they won, they lost.

Last Friday, the statue was reinstalled just a few steps from its previous pedestal. This time it is no longer in public space, but on private land.

Father Karl A Claver
Free thinkers, aka Freemasons, hate the traditional Catholic Church and all She stands for.
So do J people.
Naomi Arai
@giveusthisday That isn’t true. Half of my own family and even more of my ancestors were Jewish. It’s not the actual Orthodox Jews who hate Catholics, it’s the “Jews in Name Only”. You could say exactly the same thing about other Catholics…the “Catholics in Name Only” hate Catholics more than any other religion or secular group I know.
I've never met a a Catholic who hates Catholics.
Oh yeah? What about Mr. Bergoglio? Oh, wait, he's not Catholic. Never mind.