Gloria.TV News on the 24th of November 2016 Fear Of Theory: During yesterday’s general audience Pope Francis has indirectly attacked the four Cardinals who have raised four doubts regarding his …More
Gloria.TV News on the 24th of November 2016

Fear Of Theory: During yesterday’s general audience Pope Francis has indirectly attacked the four Cardinals who have raised four doubts regarding his controversial document Amoris Laetitia: “Let us not turn the faith into an abstract theory where doubts multiply.” “Theory” refers to a contemplative or speculative understanding of natural things. It is unclear why Pope Francis is so afraid of it.

A Token: Pope Francis congratulated Russian-Orthodox Patriarch Kirill on his 70th birthday and presented him with a relic of St. Francis of Assisi. Saint Francis is not considered a saint with the Russian Orthodox and therefore, the relic will be considered a simple token of friendship.

One Radical More: Newly created Newark Cardinal Joseph Tobin has revealed himself as a radical. In an interview with Edward Pentin he claimed that persons living in adultery are allowed to receive Communion. This contradicts the Gospel and the teaching of the Church.

Mass: The free mobile app "Catholic Mass Times" / "Horarios de Misa" has reached 100.000 downloads becoming the world's most used Catholic app. It lists 15.000 churches from all over the world and lets Catholics find a nearby mass in less than 20 seconds. It can be downloaded from www.horariosdemisa.com
Lionel L. Andrades
The Four cardinals must listen to the Dean of Theology and the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate
Pope Francis has cited Vatican Council II with reference to the dubbia of the four cardinals.The four cardinals need to respond by citing Vatican Council II as interpreted by the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate and explained by me.
The Sisters have said that they accept Vatican Council II …More
The Four cardinals must listen to the Dean of Theology and the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate
Pope Francis has cited Vatican Council II with reference to the dubbia of the four cardinals.The four cardinals need to respond by citing Vatican Council II as interpreted by the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate and explained by me.
The Sisters have said that they accept Vatican Council II without Rahnerian theology.Similarly Fr. S.Visintin osb, the Dean of Theology at the Pontifical University of St. Anselm, Rome, who teaches Rahnerian theology, has said that there are no known exceptions to the dogma extra eclesiam nulla salus and that the baptism of desire etc are not exceptions.
For me the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate and Fr. Visintin are saying the same thing.
Rahnerian theology says that there are exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus e.g the baptism of desire etc.
If the four cardinals would accept Vatican Council II without Rahnerian theology then Vatican Council II would support the old ecclesiology. It would not be a break with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus which was the foundation of the old ecclesiology .
With the old ecclesiology intact there can be no change in moral and salvation theology in the Catholic Church.So no one can vaguely cite Vatican Council II as a basis for a change in moral and salvation theology as it is being done over the last 50 years.

It is because the four cardinals are also interpreting Vatican Council II with Rahnerian theology, with there being known exceptions to the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus that the Council becomes a rupture with the old ecclesiology.It is wrongly assumed that there is known salvation outside the Church.
The apologist John Martignoni has clarified that the baptism of desire is not explicit and so it cannot be an exception or relevant to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. So there really is no known salvation outside the Church.
When Rahner refers to the Anonymous Christian it is only because he assumes there is known salvation outside the visible limits of the Church.
Catholics now have an option. They should inform the Vatican Curia that they accept Vatican Council II without asssuming hypothetical cases are not hypothetical. They do not assume that the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance refer to explict cases.This is common sense. They are hypothetical cases even for Archbishop Thomas E.Gullickson and many priests in Rome.So they have avoided interpreting Vatican Council II with the theological mistake of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and Fr. Karl Rahner S.j.
The four cardinals can do the same and then ask the Vatican to respond.-Lionel Andrades
@tbswv: Good point. There is an abyss between Pope Francis and Saint Francis.
Nice move Francis!! Giving a relic of a saint who tried to convert muslims (or any other non-catholic) rather than accepting them into the one world religion. Is this pope Catholic?
Lionel L. Andrades
There are reports which say that with reference to the dubbia of the four cardinals Pope Francis has cited Vatican Council II.On this issue the four cardinals and bishop Athanasius Schneider have not responded.
There are reports which say that with reference to the dubbia of the four cardinals Pope Francis has cited Vatican Council II.On this issue the four cardinals and bishop Athanasius Schneider …More
There are reports which say that with reference to the dubbia of the four cardinals Pope Francis has cited Vatican Council II.On this issue the four cardinals and bishop Athanasius Schneider have not responded.

There are reports which say that with reference to the dubbia of the four cardinals Pope Francis has cited Vatican Council II.On this issue the four cardinals and bishop Athanasius Schneider have not responded.
They have not told the Pope that there is nothing in Vatican Council II which supports his rejection of the moral teachings of the Catholic Church, in Amoris Laetitia.
Nor have they told him that there is an objective mistake in Vatican Council II which when avoided takes the Catholic Church back to the old ecclesiology and the old salvation theology, which is also rejected by the two popes and the Vatican Curia.
The cardinals and Bishop Schneider have not responded to the issue of Vatican Council II and are still interpreting the Council with the same objective mistake, the factual error responsible for the new theology.It makes the Council a break with Tradition and this is acceptable to Pope Francis and is unacceptable to the cardinals and Bishop Schneider.
They have not responded also the reports which state that the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate have said that they accept Vatican Council II without the Rahnerian theology.
This is a new possibility of interpretation of Vatican Council II by religious communities and all Catholics. The cardinals and Bishop Schneider have not responded. Are they also willing to accept Vatican Council II like the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate?
-Lionel Andrades
Franics simply cannot accept THE TRUTH of the Gospel. He thinks he can change the Bible according to his convictions.
“Let us not turn the faith into an abstract theory where doubts multiply.”Pour François la théorie, la doctrine est quelque chose d'abstrait, le concret c'est la pratique, comme tout bon marxiste mâtiné d'anti-intellectualisme, ce qu'il résume dans la formule : la vie est plus grande que les explications. Si en effet, Dieu dépasse infiniment tous nos concepts, il n'en demeure pas moins que le …More
“Let us not turn the faith into an abstract theory where doubts multiply.”Pour François la théorie, la doctrine est quelque chose d'abstrait, le concret c'est la pratique, comme tout bon marxiste mâtiné d'anti-intellectualisme, ce qu'il résume dans la formule : la vie est plus grande que les explications. Si en effet, Dieu dépasse infiniment tous nos concepts, il n'en demeure pas moins que le dogme s'exprime en formules claires et précises et qu'à une fausse conception correspond inévitablement une fausse pratique.
Thanks for the news Gloria.TV The More Catholic the Better
Why has Pope Francis attacked the four Cardinals who have raised four doubts regarding his controversial document Amoris Laetitia May be the Pope should be merciful and give them a clarification