
Hard Facts: Covid-19 Was Made by Moderna

Covid-19 is a manmade virus, and Moderna, the Massachusetts pharmaceutical whose only commercial product is the a Covid-19 injection, created it, DailyExpose.uk (March 17) claims in a very detailed article.

Step 0: The genetic code of Covid-19 and of Bat Coronavirus RaTG13 are 96% identical. The differences between the two (mismatches and omissions) cannot be explained with natural mutations.

• Step 1: The sequence of the specific difference of Covid-19 CCTCGGCGGGCA never appears in any natural virus.

• Step 2: This difference has been patented and used in the past.

• Step 3: To make this sequence infective CGT must be added. This results in CCTCGGCGGGCACGT. Before Covid-19, this sequence was contained 11 times in patent applications, five of them by Moderna.

• Step 4: The University of Illinois was the first to insert CCTCGGCGGGCACGT in a human virus (January 2011) but this was incidental to their plans to make antibiotics. Moderna is the only other outfit to file a human use of inserting CCTCGGCGGGCACGT before 2019 (five patents between December 2013 and February 2016).

• Step 5: CCTCGGCGGGCACGT is found in bacteria, men, cows, and plants but never in viruses except in Covid-19.

The conclusion: Bacteria cannot insert their genes into viruses. Therefore, the only way for bacterial DNA to end up in a virus is by human intervention.

Moderna applied for all the patents needed to protect its "vaccine" monopoly four months before the Covid-19 outbreak.

Picture: © Marco Verch Professional Photographer, CC BY, #newsRqbylkluia

Alex A
There is no COVID-19 virus. So how can you compare it with anything else?
DefendTruth shares this
Isn,it Bill Gates injection ?
Servant Of Divine Mercy
Bill Gates is evil, yes, however he is just a puppet salesman that sell deadly, immoral and satanic products.