Italy: Faithful Pray In Reparation for Blasphemy

More than 100 Catholics prayed on 9 March in front of St Ignatius Church in Carpi, Italy, in reparation for a blasphemous exhibition on display inside the church.

They recited the rosary and a litany. The man responsible for the scandal is Erio Castellucci, who makes his money as an "archbishop". The prayers continue.

A middle-aged man told "Here are the sheep! I hope they smell us!"

A young woman said: "The artist is not so much to blame. The real culprits are the Church authorities [= Castellucci] who organised this devastation. Despite the protests of the faithful, they went ahead without listening to the voice of the faithful".

Picture: Andrea Zambrano,, #newsGrxxxziaqi

After the prayers, the 100-strong crowd of the Faithful should have marched inside the Church and ripped apart the blasphemous filth that the Archbishop placed there, and brought it all out and BURNED it to ashes right there in front of the Church. That’s the type of concerted, hands-on action needed today. We must pray, yes, but in cases and situations like this, we must also, with combined …More
After the prayers, the 100-strong crowd of the Faithful should have marched inside the Church and ripped apart the blasphemous filth that the Archbishop placed there, and brought it all out and BURNED it to ashes right there in front of the Church. That’s the type of concerted, hands-on action needed today. We must pray, yes, but in cases and situations like this, we must also, with combined strength, overwhelming numbers, bold courage, implacable zeal, undaunted tenacity, relentless determination and the blessing of Heaven, CONFRONT evil and cast it down.
Everyday for Life Canada
Sadly, too many Italians have lost their faith, and the spiritual vacuum has been filed by the occult. The church display is just an example of the moral decay and why there are many empty churches all over the country.
Ann Smith
The Italians and All Catholics should be in an uproar‼️ the seat of the papacy must be vacant if this is being permitted.
Bless those who display Catholic action. May it be an example for all of us.
Louis IX
Unfortunately this is only half an action. Those paintings must somehow be removed and the blatantly blasphemous destroyed.
Louis IX
Reparation is good, but the blasphemy is continuing as long as those paintings are in the cathedral.