My Teacher Kicked Me Out of Class for Saying There are Two Genders. www.reddit.com/…/my_teacher_kick…More
My Teacher Kicked Me Out of Class for Saying There are Two Genders.
Kicked you out of class? You poor.
Good for the young man who educated this dumb idiot, Wonder if this stupid so called teacher teaches math, he would be telling his students 2 + 2 = 5. Crazy, insane and totally unbelievable!
The young man handled himself well. That "teacher" actually did him a favor. Being in a class run by a mind controlled drone is worse than a waste of time, it can be dangerous, particularly for the young.
Holy Cannoli
An interesting and timely video. Demonstrating that it is not about education, it is about indoctrination. The FACT is that you’re either born with one set of genitals or the other. The ability of Leftists to delude themselves is nearly endless.
Even science has been affected. Scientists are not neutral and unbiased. The ones who are concerned with their careers will steer their findings toward …More
An interesting and timely video. Demonstrating that it is not about education, it is about indoctrination. The FACT is that you’re either born with one set of genitals or the other. The ability of Leftists to delude themselves is nearly endless.

Even science has been affected. Scientists are not neutral and unbiased. The ones who are concerned with their careers will steer their findings toward the politically acceptable and away from the politically unacceptable, if they want to continue to get grant funding, and be considered for tenure. Hello global warming. 🤗

This teacher has a position of authority and must follow the ‘party line’ if he is to remain in his job. In order to keep his job, he and the many others like him must be intellectually dishonest. Of course sexuality is binary. All sexual species depend upon the coming together of the male & female for their very continuity. That is fact.

They can create studies to prove that whatever they think is fact, and use such studies as evidence. With their academic high ground, they have been very successful in indoctrinating just about any willing student into their belief system. Those more open minded are simply brow beaten into conformance.

Who knows where this video was shot. I don’t think it was the US. Regardless, we have our own problems. 🤦
What would I have done in a similar situation? I see at least 2 possible answers.

1) Played along. I would have kept my mouth shut and gone along with the teacher’s stupidity. 👌

But Cannoli, you are feeding into the deviancy.

You haven’t heard answer #2. 😎
Well done Murray. How sad to see young people mentally abused by these insane ideologies.
What is name of the teacher /first and last/,
what is school name, address.
It should be make PUBLIC !
Stop for tools of SATAN !
It is not AUTHORITY - it is possessing by SATAN !More
What is name of the teacher /first and last/,
what is school name, address.
It should be make PUBLIC !

Stop for tools of SATAN !
It is not AUTHORITY - it is possessing by SATAN !
One of satan's many workers.
Wayside Shrine Maker
Where it the leadership of the Church to be a big voice on this issue?
As this gentleman is a teacher perhaps he could enlighten us as to what the other genders are; how many there are of them; what their functions might be and to which of them he owes his own generation?