Schoolboy Tucho: Daddy Bergoglio Knew About The Orgasm Book

Francis wanted to "reject" [pseudo] blessings for homosexuals, but at the same time allow them ("to not impose many conditions for a simple blessing on the way, road or pilgrimage"). Tucho said this to the anti-Catholic (12 January).

For now, Tucho admits that unrepentant homosexuals cannot receive absolution or Holy Communion. Therefore, he has invented "this other kind of blessing", which is "the only priestly gesture we have to give to everyone". Tomorrow he will say that the [pseudo] blessings "have worked", so that in the future homosexuality can be approved with "normal blessings".

Asked about Cardinal Sarah, who called the [pseudo] blessing of homosexuals "heresy", little Tucho replies like a naughty boy: "Today there is an enormous freedom to say anything, even within the Church". This was certainly true before Francis came to power, but now no objection is tolerated.

Tucho proudly proclaims that a schism in the Church "already existed and is only becoming more transparent [through his irresponsible behaviour]". What he doesn't say is that this is the first time that a schism is being orchestrated by those who sit in the Vatican.

To no one's surprise, he admits that Francis "knew" about his book on orgasms published in 1998.

"I was already accused on one occasion many years ago for this book, and I was not punished for it in Rome [because he was then a simple parish priest]. I have already been investigated up to my hair". Tucho, who loves to play the victim, is totally bald.

He has discussed the furore caused by the pamphlet "Sodoma supplicans" with Francis and now claims twice to have "foreseen" it. According to Tucho, Francis sees the result as "a purification from God, so that we can better and more humbly carry out the task that the Lord entrusts to us". It is not news that Francis has great difficulty in distinguishing God from the devil.

Finally, Tucho - who gives interviews every day and has to create a storm around himself in order to be the centre of attention - prophesies that he won't be in the news in the future because he doesn't want to publish anything controversial: "The most worried people will be able to rest", he mocks like a schoolboy about the faithful.


It will take the election of a holy pope to undo all of the damage that has been done to the church.
Demonic….thoroughly demonic. He clearly is under the complete and total influence and possession of Satan and his demons. And yes, the Pope knew. Of course he knew. That’s the very reason this apostate was chosen and appointed….because of his vile, unclean perversions and his sick, demented, degenerate thinking. His heresies are legion and longstanding, that’s why he was given the top doctrinal …More
Demonic….thoroughly demonic. He clearly is under the complete and total influence and possession of Satan and his demons. And yes, the Pope knew. Of course he knew. That’s the very reason this apostate was chosen and appointed….because of his vile, unclean perversions and his sick, demented, degenerate thinking. His heresies are legion and longstanding, that’s why he was given the top doctrinal office. This is the filth they want and seek, and are determined to ram down the throat of the whole Church. They would drown us all in the cesspool of their unspeakable and ceaseless depravities. The abomination IS the point, and always has been with this Vatican. And this is just the beginning. The tip of the spear. It’s going to get worse. It’s going to get much, much worse. PRAY….pray hard.
Tucho is a disorded and perverted soul. My prediction is that more sick dirt will come out about him in the near future. Not that I look forward to this or welcome it. I wish he would just resign and go away to a monastery and do silent penance for the remainder of his days.
I have already been investigated up to my hair". Tucho, who loves to play the victim, is totally bald. 😂 😂 😂
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Padre Benedetto Pagnotto
Main quotes in full:
"The Pope wanted to reject the blessings to irregular couples with rites or liturgical forms, but at the same time he wanted to avoid that this would imply to start putting many conditions to give a simple blessing on the way, in the street, on a pilgrimage, because he carries in his heart the value of the popular pastoral, which welcomes everyone".
"Francis' interest was in …More
Main quotes in full:
"The Pope wanted to reject the blessings to irregular couples with rites or liturgical forms, but at the same time he wanted to avoid that this would imply to start putting many conditions to give a simple blessing on the way, in the street, on a pilgrimage, because he carries in his heart the value of the popular pastoral, which welcomes everyone".
"Francis' interest was in safeguarding the freedom and spontaneity of this other type of blessing, which is the only priestly gesture we have to give to everyone."
"To the Pope, when he proposed this position to me for the second time, I had told him that this could happen, but he already had it clear and he also knew about this book. It happens that on one occasion many years ago I had already been accused for that book and I was not sanctioned in Rome for it. They have already investigated me up to my hairs."
"We are preparing a very important document on human dignity that includes not only social issues, but also a strong critique of moral issues such as sex change, surrogacy, gender ideologies, etc. In this sense, the most concerned people will be able to rest."