Why Did Mount St. Mary's Pick a PRO-ABORTION Commencement Speaker?

Click here to join pro-life students in their peaceful protest. Because Mount St. Mary's University -- a Catholic institution in Emmitsburg, Maryland -- has picked notorious pro-abortion promoter Mark …More
Click here to join pro-life students in their peaceful protest.
Because Mount St. Mary's University -- a Catholic institution in Emmitsburg, Maryland -- has picked notorious pro-abortion promoter Mark Shriver as its commencement speaker on May 11, 2019.
But this is why Mr. Shriver is NOT a role model for students:
1. NARAL Pro-Choice Maryland gave Mark Shriver a 100% approval rating for his pro-abortion record when he served as a member of the Maryland House of Delegates.
2. In an interview with The Washington Post, Mr. Shiver said: “... I will continue to fight for a women’s right to choose [abortion] ...”
3. Mr. Shriver is the CEO of Save the Children, a pro-contraception organization with ties to Planned Parenthood.
However, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has stated that the “Catholic community and Catholic institutions should not honor those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles. They should not be given awards, honors or platforms which …More
Piscis primum a capite foetet
How? Because they aren't Catholic. Have not been in a long time. Only a handful of truly Catholic universities left in the world. God is punishing our lack of faith. St Michael defend us in battle.
Where's all the OUTRAGE over the ABUSE inflicted by the Catholic Priests! Maybe you should address the pedophilia problem in the Catholic church first before dictating womens rights!
Priests are homoclericalizing each other. Pray for the conversion of us all.
Simple answer; Those in authority there are for abortion
The students should be making an effort to have these decision makers ejected. The "institution" did not choose this speaker, people did.
Those people should not be working there. The staunchest "peaceful protest" would be to leave the school entirety, even if it meant delaying graduation by a year or two.
I can understand why some students might not be willing to do that. The next best approach …More
The students should be making an effort to have these decision makers ejected. The "institution" did not choose this speaker, people did.

Those people should not be working there. The staunchest "peaceful protest" would be to leave the school entirety, even if it meant delaying graduation by a year or two.

I can understand why some students might not be willing to do that. The next best approach would be to write to the trustees, both individually and as a group saying, "I might have to finish my studies in this pro-abortion cess-pool, but I will never, ever donate so much as a penny to it. I can not say whether I'll be fabulously rich in life, or modestly middle-class, or dirt-poor. But as an alumnis, you will see nothing from me financially. Depend on that."

Imagine an entire graduating class signing such a declaration. Imagine the three under-classes doing the same, while making plans to finish their studies at a different Catholic university.

Shools are like any other corporate entity. They're motivated by money. Angry alumni are bad for business.
I know many good people who graduated from Mount Saint Mary's and they are quite perplexed!
They also have an excellent seminary there.