
Swiss Auxiliary Bishop Slams Amoris Laetitia, Contradictions Are Not From God

Auxiliary Bishop Marian Eleganti of Chur, Switzerland, has signed the “Kazakhstan declaration” against Amoris Laetitia explaining that “inconsistency is for me not a sign of the Holy Ghost”. Talking to …More
Auxiliary Bishop Marian Eleganti of Chur, Switzerland, has signed the “Kazakhstan declaration” against Amoris Laetitia explaining that “inconsistency is for me not a sign of the Holy Ghost”.
Talking to onepeterfive.com (February 7), Eleganti explained that there are several contradictory interpretations of Amoris Laetitia promulgated by bishops’ conferences. He asks whether there are any objective criteria left for a moral decision.
Eleganti points out that one cannot live righteously by doing what is wrong. According to him not even the much-invoked "well-being of the children" justifies an adulterous relation when a valid, indissoluble marriage bond exists.
He also sharply criticises Cardinal Marx for advocating a blessing of homosexual unions by means of the individual case trick, "At the long run this becomes the rule and the normal case.”
Picture: Marian Eleganti, © Liebermary, wikicommons CC BY-SA, #newsCczeovuwbh
Another brave Bishop