
Francis’ Fake Live Show: The Oligarchs Fall into Euphoria

Before Pope Fazio’s 8.40 p.m. Sunday interview with Francis, RAI3 aired the opinion of high-income oligarch media activists about Francis: • Fiorenza Sarzanini (Corriere.it): "He is an extraordinary …More
Before Pope Fazio’s 8.40 p.m. Sunday interview with Francis, RAI3 aired the opinion of high-income oligarch media activists about Francis:
• Fiorenza Sarzanini (Corriere.it): "He is an extraordinary revolutionary."
• Massimo Giannini (LaStampa.it): "A saint of men among wolves. Much disliked."
• Roberto Saviano (oligarch author): "The last socialist."
• Carlo Verdelli (Oggi.it): "A great lonely man."
• Fazio called Francis at the end "a light for men, an always burning light."
IlSismografo.Blogspot.com (February 7) concluded: “The Bergoglian courtiers do more damage to the Pontiff than anything else.”
LiberoQuotidiano.it (February 7) noticed that Francis’ wristwatch read 5.00 and two minutes later 5.30 showing that “the first live TV interview with a pope in history” was not only not live but also edited. #newsZltgiifmht
Even now they can't get their stories straight. :D Giannini: "a saint of men" Saviano: "the last socialist"
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Just a thought---I went into the website "InfoVaticana" and noticed that Bergoglio today gave an audience and speech to the probably handful of students belonging to the once great Pontifical Lombard College in Italy, which produced the equally great Pope Pius XI. But one thing I noticed. Not only does Bergoglio not look as fat as he did a month ago, he also is sitting down to given all his speeches …More
Just a thought---I went into the website "InfoVaticana" and noticed that Bergoglio today gave an audience and speech to the probably handful of students belonging to the once great Pontifical Lombard College in Italy, which produced the equally great Pope Pius XI. But one thing I noticed. Not only does Bergoglio not look as fat as he did a month ago, he also is sitting down to given all his speeches and audience addresses. Usually he did this standing at his stupid podium trying to look like any ordinary Vatican II priest at Sunday Mass homily. Now, apparently, he's too weak to stand to give speeches. Last week, and at the Mass for Religious, he gave both speeches seated. And I don't think it's just his siatica. I think he's now to weak to stand for long. Maybe he'll be gone, or decline alot more, by Easter. Ill bet he's not going to participate in the annual Papal walk from San Anselmo Benedictine Abbey to the Dominican Santa Sabina for Ash Wednesday. Too weak.
Doesn't matter....even when he did do the walk (last time, 2019), no one came out to see him process down the way. With other popes, the route was jammed, packed with tens of thousands of Romans. John XXIII initiated the Ash Wednesday walk. Paul VI, JPII, and Benedict continued it. Thousands came out to applaude the Pope anf watch the procession of Ash Wednesday. Much less 2013-18 when Francis did it, and for all intents, none showed up along the route in 2019.
Bet he's too weak to acutally do it now. But it doesn't matter.....no one would come out for him anyway.
Gast6 shares this
Pope Francis gave his first interview to a television talk show Sunday night, asking viewers who do not pray to send him “good thoughts, good vibes.”
Angelo Santelli
Producer-Director Mel Gibson
Directs James Caviezel as "The Christ"
In the 2004 Traditional Catholic Epic
"The Passion of the Christ"
Gibson Has Publicly Taken on the Francis-Bergoglio
Demanding that He Remove
All Paedophile Presbyters from His Newchurch
Gibson Asserted that There Was "Nothing Wrong"
With the Catholic Church
Before the Vatican II Anti-council
But that the Newchurch Is "Corrupt
@Gast6 Francis is an old hippie and his vocabulary betrays him. "Good vibes, man. Yeah, far out!"
God have mercy on his soul
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Common. No Papal dignity. But he looks like he's nearing the end.