
Benedict XVI Changes His Statement

Today, Benedict XVI changed his statement on the unreliable Munich Abuse Report.

Previously, he stated that he had not attended his Ordinariate's meeting on 15 January 1980 where an Essen priest who committed lewd actions in front underage girls was discussed. But the minutes of the meeting mentioned his presence.

Now he told KNA.de that he had attended the meeting explaining that denying this didn't happen "out of malicious intent", but was the result of "an error in the editing of his statement". He insists however that, at this meeting, no decision was taken on a pastoral assignment for that priest who was a repeat offender.

The priest had exposed himself and masturbated in front of girls under 14. Benedict XVI testifies that he "knew nothing" about the criminal history. He stresses that there had been no touching.

The talkative Benedict XVI announced that he would make a further statement after reviewing the 1900-page report. The question is how he will be able to do so in view of his decrepitude.

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsXdqmxfdyie
Marie Madeleine
Pull yourself together my brothers in Christ! It is like the time when Jesus was arrested, and that He was told to be silent, while they went to get the high priest, Caiaphas?!? Jesus, remaining in the midst of them, waiting in silence, He received spats, insults, kicks, his hair torn out, and the pagans shouting: He stole the Sabat! He lives with known courtesans! He never missed an opportunity to …More
Pull yourself together my brothers in Christ! It is like the time when Jesus was arrested, and that He was told to be silent, while they went to get the high priest, Caiaphas?!? Jesus, remaining in the midst of them, waiting in silence, He received spats, insults, kicks, his hair torn out, and the pagans shouting: He stole the Sabat! He lives with known courtesans! He never missed an opportunity to ridicule us! He is demon possessed! Back from Egypt, he practices black magic! etc etc.

Let the sworned witnesses (liars) come, said Caiaphas!!!!!

And Joseph shouted: It is not lawful to hear them together.


As just before the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, on his climb to the Garden of Gethsemane, and as today, the demons have gone mad! For as they did not want the Work of Redemption, they do not want the Work of the Second Coming, for that is their end upon us, the people of God.

“How confident you all are! What pride in man! If Jesus had wanted to make us die cursed, He would have not taken us out of desolation! »

(Gabriel Amorth: how is Lucifer afraid of Benedict XVI and St John Paul II, even more after his death since he is Saint!!!!!!! - does Lucifer works against himself?)
3rd Order Postulant
I'm sure there is a schedule hidden away from some years ago
They don't call him the Fox for nothing.
Fun Trivia: Benedict XVI resigned 28 Feb. 2013. His chattiness is getting him into trouble since he doesn't remember his day to day schedule from (wait for it) 42 years ago.
Live Mike
Is this a case of Pope Benedict XVI vs. "The Benedict Bot"? (term coined by Frank Walker)
Cassandra Laments
At his age a simple 'I forgot' would probably have been better and more believable. I've forgotten plenty of things from the 80s, even events etc which I'd have expected to remember, and I'm nowhere near his age. I can remember them if something jogs my memory - as probably has happened here.
Jeffrey Ade
Ah the eighties! I can't recall!
DefendTruth shares this
After the publication last week of a report on past sexual abuse in the archdiocese of Munich, Pope emeritus Benedict XVI admitted that a previous statement on his participation in a meeting that discussed an abusive priest was “objectively incorrect.”