
The Same Sect Again: 125 German Priests, Religious Teachers Call Themselves "Homosexual"

125 paid employees of the German church, including priests, teachers and church administrators, have labelled themselves as “homosexual.”

They call their media stunt “OutInChurch. For a Church without fear” - as if homosexuals were not THE privileged class of the present decadence society and church.

The signees defame the Catholic teaching on homosexuality shared with the whole of mankind "defamatory” and want to cancel it. Further they ask for “full access to all fields of activity and occupation in the Church without discrimination” - while in reality normal families are discriminated.

The initiative is a follow up done by the same circles who organised the May 2021 homosex “blessings.”

According to Holy Writ, God didn't create "homosexuals." Homosexual temptations are a sexual disorder. Putting them into practice is a sin. The former homosexual Joseph Sciambra testified that watching porn seduced him into this and that studies confirm that about 50% of homosexual men suffer from this disorder because of having suffered homosexual abuses.

Picture: © mendolus shank, flickr, CC BY-ND, #newsNvybxmjsnc

You should take a closer look at history when it isn't written by Nazi apologists, Steve-O. The Der Spiegel article demonstrates even Catholic priests recorded rapes by US servicemen, corroborating other sources, Wikipedia included. That's just Bavaria, not counting the rest of Europe.
Your beloved Jew-hating Gen. Patton wasn't "appalled" in the slightest. He even made excuses for what US troops were doing. Direct quote: "in spite of my most diligent efforts, there would unquestionably be some raping."
....and "some raping" meant another 4,500 women just in France alone when Murrica "liberated" the country. History isn't a "narrative", only your revisions of it are.More
Your beloved Jew-hating Gen. Patton wasn't "appalled" in the slightest. He even made excuses for what US troops were doing. Direct quote: "in spite of my most diligent efforts, there would unquestionably be some raping."

....and "some raping" meant another 4,500 women just in France alone when Murrica "liberated" the country. History isn't a "narrative", only your revisions of it are.
...because facts stop being facts when they're on Wiki right, Bigot-Boy? Pic related. Protip: Der Spiegel.DE isn't Wiki either. :P
Fact Check vs. Bigot Boy: Gen.Patton ignored the rape epidemic inflicted by American servicemen against German women. It was even documented by Catholic priests. Book Claims US Soldiers Raped 190,000 German Women Post-WWII
That wasn't "da Bolsheviks" and it wasn't "da jooz". Patton was as much a hypocrite and an anti-Semite as you are. Go read a history book, Steve-O, and E. Michael Jones doesn't …More
Fact Check vs. Bigot Boy: Gen.Patton ignored the rape epidemic inflicted by American servicemen against German women. It was even documented by Catholic priests. Book Claims US Soldiers Raped 190,000 German Women Post-WWII
That wasn't "da Bolsheviks" and it wasn't "da jooz". Patton was as much a hypocrite and an anti-Semite as you are. Go read a history book, Steve-O, and E. Michael Jones doesn't qualify.
There wasn't any "Holocaust narrative" except the one the Germans created themselves. Sure is Holocaust-denying revisionist history in here. Fantasy masquerading as fact. Sexual morality collapsed all over the world, even in predominantly Protestant countries. -that includes Murrica.
De Profundis shares this
Priests, church workers in Germany come out as LGBT as part of effort to change the German church
가입을 원합니다
May I ask you What change ?
125? The German Church is the biggest employer in a country of big employers. If they had cojones, these people would be removed. Obviously a good many German bishops approve of homosex, like Francis does.
This, from the same "church" who are the leaders of the "Synodal Path"
The "church" of Sodom. They will suffer the same fate
Louis IX
Even a worse fate: “And if that house be worthy, your peace shall come upon it; but if it be not worthy, your peace shall return to you. 14And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words: going forth out of that house or city shake off the dust from your feet. 15Amen I say to you, it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.”
This is all part of the plan; in a series of steps, the New World Order prepares us to accept their agenda. Homosexuality, including the 'pride' parades in which every kind of sexual perversion is acted out, is only one step in the continuing program of desensitization and finally to acceptance of ideas which at the outset seemed anathema. Sexuality, including young with old, including public …More
This is all part of the plan; in a series of steps, the New World Order prepares us to accept their agenda. Homosexuality, including the 'pride' parades in which every kind of sexual perversion is acted out, is only one step in the continuing program of desensitization and finally to acceptance of ideas which at the outset seemed anathema. Sexuality, including young with old, including public sexuality is gradually being introduced through television and computers. Suicide and euthanasia are steps to allowing and indeed insisting on 'death with dignity.' Organ donations permit doctors to remove organs for 'donation' before a person is actually dead, as they need fresh organs and if a person dies, the organs are no longer viable. Here is an excellent article with this information and more; it is a protestant group which has written it, but it is very good, nevertheless;SIX STEP ATTITUDINAL CHANGE PLAN -- UPDATE TO SHOW HOW CLOSE TO THE END WE TRULY MUST BE!! BE PREPARED TO BE SHOCKED AS YOU SEE HOW MUCH OF YOUR DAILY LIFE IS BEING SYSTEMATICALLY MANIPULATED.- Christian Updates - New World Order. .
Jan Joseph
Gestoorde mensen moet je niet serieus nemen. Ze zijn lid van de Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerk, geen geld meer geven aan die kerk en ze sterven vanzelf uit.
These people dont have mirrors to see how ugly they look ?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
What a sick "church" the Catholics have become....makes one hardly want to be one. This rot has been here for years of course, since VAtican II and it's evil entered the Church. But never before so open, and apparently, applauded by even the highest in the Church. Homo priests....throw them out, excommunication for you all....same for religious teachers. That would be their fate if the CAtholic …More
What a sick "church" the Catholics have become....makes one hardly want to be one. This rot has been here for years of course, since VAtican II and it's evil entered the Church. But never before so open, and apparently, applauded by even the highest in the Church. Homo priests....throw them out, excommunication for you all....same for religious teachers. That would be their fate if the CAtholic Church was Catholic, and we had a Catholic Pope. As it is now, some of those homo pervert priests will probably be appointed to high positions...with luck, maybe even a bishop or two among them with a Pope like homo loving Francis.
They all belong to the cult of Lucifer. Nobody, not even an atheist would call them Servants of Christ. Their master is Lucifer who is wanting people to believe he is Christ - just as his brainwashed idiots pretend to themselves that it is really Christ they are serving.
Not any hope for any of them - unless they totally repent, unfortunately.
Cassandra Laments
My husband's an atheist and he calls them (and the clergy right to the top) a lot of things, but holy is definitely NOT one of them 😉
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From the pure spring pure water flows.
Cassandra Laments
...and from the polluted spring, springs poison. Perhaps we shouldn't ask but it makes me more than queasy. Where and when was this photo taken?
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Dear @ Cassandra Laments ,
My husband's an atheist // Do you have Marriage Dispensation ?
Only Catholic spouse makes 'Promise & Signature' for the Marriage Dispensation in other countries except Korea. National Churches – gloria.tv (my 2 comments)
Cassandra Laments
In the UK, mixed marriages have been allowed for decades. I've been married over 30 years and my elder married sisters both married about 10-15 years before me to non-Catholics. It was perfectly legit- only needed to present Certificate of Baptism. I presume it came in in the 60s immediately after (or together with) VII. Also, by the time I got married, women weren't allowed to obey - at least that's …More
In the UK, mixed marriages have been allowed for decades. I've been married over 30 years and my elder married sisters both married about 10-15 years before me to non-Catholics. It was perfectly legit- only needed to present Certificate of Baptism. I presume it came in in the 60s immediately after (or together with) VII. Also, by the time I got married, women weren't allowed to obey - at least that's what the Priest told us, but with hindsight he may have been lying or distorting what at the time was the 'current' teaching.

To anticipate questions, yes, mixed marriages are very difficult and no, all the right questions weren't asked by the Priest who actually didn't prepare us for marriage at all, let alone a mixed one!
Cassandra Laments
@가입을 원합니다 Sorry ,forgot to say the above comment is an answer to you!
One more comment from Cassandra Laments
Cassandra Laments
Thank you for the link also - wish I hadn't asked. It appears to not be a one-off incident. I now feel more than queasy!
가입을 원합니다
It's about 'National Church' Created by Pope Boniface VIII in 1298 Not Vll.
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