
Violation of Human Rights: Francis Receives Pfizer Inquisition

Francis received on January 28 – what was presented as – the “International Catholic Media Consortium, Catholic fact-checking." This scheme, sponsored by US oligarchs, attempts to fight the spreading …More
Francis received on January 28 – what was presented as – the “International Catholic Media Consortium, Catholic fact-checking."
This scheme, sponsored by US oligarchs, attempts to fight the spreading of “disinformation and fake news” about Covid injections which Francis called “a violation of human rights.”
Fernando Beltrán (InfoVaticana,com, January 29) asked the question “What about the fight against disinformation in the Church?” like the most recent German homosex stunt and Francis’ support for it.
Beltrán’s second question, “Are these issues less important than the so-called pandemic and the vaccines of some pharmaceutical companies?”
His answers, “It seems that questioning Pfizer is for [for Francis] more serious than questioning Christian anthropology.”
Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsInlqtpvkvd
Remember how the media denounced the Trump administration for "alternative facts"? Yeah, me neither. Now the online world will have people fact-checking the fact-checking and counter fact-checking the last fact-checking. At that point everything will be suspect and the biggest "consortium" with the slickest web lay-outs wins -exactly as the media planned
Jeffrey Ade
@Darice Henriques Thanks for looking into this! It seems we are all falling for that "we shall not die" scheme! Stay true! Our Lady of Fatima pray for us!
Darice Henriques
Oh, it seems like lifesitenews.com and other websites incl gtv have them so scared that they had to create this Consortium to defend/counter-attack. I went to the "Catholic" fact checking website. A propaganda machine for the dark powers that be. Basically the serpent telling all of us about the jab, "You shall not die..." (Gen 3:4)