
Cancel "Church": After Twenty Years, Confirmations FORBIDDEN

Cardinal Vincent Nichols, 76, who celebrates Ramadan, presides homosex liturgies and allegedly retired in November 2020 told the English Latin Mass Society by letter that the Sacrament of Confirmation is not to be celebrated in the Roman Rite in Westminster Archdiocese anymore.

For nearly TWENTY years – thus even before Benedict’s Summorum Pontificum -, the Latin Mass Society organised confirmation annually at St James’ Spanish Place. The liturgy was celebrated by a Westminster auxiliary bishop and on one occasion by Cardinal Raymond Burke.

Another Roman Rite confirmation was cancelled by Birmingham Archbishop Bernard Longley.

Picture: © Joseph Shaw, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsHqyggjzhny

Cassandra Laments
I knew enough about Nichols but having just looked at the Ramadan link, I'd say there's not much of a surprise there but it explains a lot. Wouldn't do to upset his new 'faith partners', would it. I think it's going to be a case of last Cardinal or Bishop left standing gets a Sainthood - if he's not tottering too much.
The cardinal's actions do not qualify as apostasy according to The Church's definition of the word @mccallansteve Lern 2 Catholic. :D
Ignore the apostate!
DefendTruth shares this
So Cardinal Nichols of England has decreed THE END of sacramental Confirmation in the pre V2 Traditional Ritual.
In today's episode of Fauci Facial Farce we have: Two priest wearing masks, two priests, a bishop, a sponsor and the confirmed who are not,
Thank you for the correction. EDIT: In today's episode of Fauci Facial Farce we have: Two servers wearing masks, two servers, a bishop, a sponsor and the confirmed who are not.
Ursula Sankt
“You will catch more flies with a spoonful of honey than with a barrelful of vinegar.” —Saint Francis de Sales
Jan Joseph
De Romeinse Rooms Katholieke gelovigen worden vervolgd door de Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerk. Stop met geld geven aan de Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerk.
If I remember correctly, Marie Julie Jahenny spoke of alterations to the Sacraments and a new Schismatic edifice separate to the TRUE Church being created due to he altering of that which it is not permitted to amend. It is prohibited that one word of the Traditional Rites be altered in any way. The rites have been professed unalterable in perpetuity so what they are doing is unlawful - I don't wish …More
If I remember correctly, Marie Julie Jahenny spoke of alterations to the Sacraments and a new Schismatic edifice separate to the TRUE Church being created due to he altering of that which it is not permitted to amend. It is prohibited that one word of the Traditional Rites be altered in any way. The rites have been professed unalterable in perpetuity so what they are doing is unlawful - I don't wish to alarm them, but they are completely DELUDING themselves if they actually believe that they are members of the one Church that Christ founded.

Actually, it is definitely beginning to look as though in altering all the Sacraments along with the Tridentine Liturgy a new False Church has been created as the Holy Stigmatics warned us would happen. What has been proclaimed is forever part of the Sacred Magesterium and we are forever bound by it, or create a false Church. This is Demonic led apostasy. The Devil is seeking to destroy the true Church and substitutes his trite, mischievous none-Catholic substitute.
The people behind this are obviously insane! Hell is real and they must be aware that it is. Plonkers!
Louis IX
They keep hinting that the new mass is for the new church. If they had guts they would come out and say it. I don’t know if them declaring it would make it so as there is no precedence to any of this. What can a layman do when presented with having to follow a bishop who has clearly been declared anathema by a dogmatic counsel? (Trent)
@Louis IX, Yes I believe you, however, I think it's probably about time that all the Faithful Clergy and laity accepted that the prophecies of the Saints of a False Church are true and are happening NOW! We ALL must take courage and denounce them as false Clergy.. If we do not, we will ALL be found guilty in Our Lord's sight of permitting them to carry on deluding billions of people that they ARE …More
@Louis IX, Yes I believe you, however, I think it's probably about time that all the Faithful Clergy and laity accepted that the prophecies of the Saints of a False Church are true and are happening NOW! We ALL must take courage and denounce them as false Clergy.. If we do not, we will ALL be found guilty in Our Lord's sight of permitting them to carry on deluding billions of people that they ARE the RC Church. That is OUR error! What remains of the RC Church, Traditionalists of ALL genres, need to denounce them as a False Church right away! If we do not call them out as a False Church we will be found guilty of permitting them to assume the identity of the Holy, Eternal, none-Changeable, Dogmatic, Church of Jesus Christ..
Let's remember what He calls us to do in the Book of the Apocalypse 18:4

" Go out from her, my people; that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues.
Jeffrey Ade
You are right!
De Profundis
“The Sacrament of Confirmation: What Should Be Done After the Responsa?” - a canonical response, by Father Pierre Laliberté, Doctor of Canon Law https://ift.tt/3AppGwV
SSPX is the only option. Unfortunately, the LMS refuses to list their masses and chapels.
Cassandra Laments
Which is why I'm permanently suspicious of the LMS and its chairman! It continually amazes (and depresses) me that they do this. Obviously their support of and preference for the TLM has nothing to do with being loyal to the true Mass of Ages, but is rather an aesthetic choice. They must be aware that the SSPX are not in schism so the question is: What is the real reason they don't list their Masses …More
Which is why I'm permanently suspicious of the LMS and its chairman! It continually amazes (and depresses) me that they do this. Obviously their support of and preference for the TLM has nothing to do with being loyal to the true Mass of Ages, but is rather an aesthetic choice. They must be aware that the SSPX are not in schism so the question is: What is the real reason they don't list their Masses? There is an SSPX website list for UK Masses: Schedules for Great Britain & Scandinavia
It's one reason I haven't renewed my LMS subscription. I mostly attend an SSPX chapel these days (with occasional visits to ICKSP and FSSP). The LMS would rather you go without Mass than acknowledge that the SSPX are the only ones offering them in a region. It's a very sad policy.
Jeffrey Ade
Good keep it up!
Cassandra Laments
@lancs1 Ah, you must be down there in the blessed lands of Preston, Warrington and Liverpool! Me up here with not a TLM of any persuasion in sight and unable to travel to one; which makes the LMS behaviour even more appalling to me.
Yes, we're definitely unusually blessed here in this little patch of recusant England. 🙏
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Francis-loving clones.