Where are all the deaths?

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Globalists trolls are saying that I exaggerate when I say 2 Billion will die or that people will start dropping dead on the side walk by summer. They could …
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC
I did a long investigation of Bugnolo and you can feel free to check my links for sources. I would not consider him particularly reliable. The more crazy prophecies he makes, the less trustworthy I think he is. Issues with (Br) Alexis Bugnolo, Ordo Militaris & FromRome
This article is the single best expose of this... character. That's about the most charitable thing I'd ever call him. Father, by virtue of his calling and vocation, naturally goes much further when he says... "I would not consider him particularly reliable." Indeed... and that undoubtedly is putting it charitably. :D
Laura Yunque
Sometimes, it is good to be wrong.
Notice "Bro." Bugnolo (who isn't a "bro" at all) didn't claim anyone would die of Covid or how long it would take to reach his projected number. At current total world death rates, 2 billion people will die of the usual causes in about 33 years. Also, people "drop dead on the sidewalk" every day regardless of cause. So his predictions inevitably will come true, no matter what he's actually …More
Notice "Bro." Bugnolo (who isn't a "bro" at all) didn't claim anyone would die of Covid or how long it would take to reach his projected number. At current total world death rates, 2 billion people will die of the usual causes in about 33 years. Also, people "drop dead on the sidewalk" every day regardless of cause. So his predictions inevitably will come true, no matter what he's actually implying. This is how "seers" can always predict the future with complete accuracy.
@Ultraviolet: No, he explicitly said that 2,000,000,000 people would die as a result of the vaccination and that this would happen in this flu season. Even today he says on his website that it will happen "before this summer." We must read the prophecies to the letter and in the spirit in which they were written.
"No, he explicitly said that 2,000,000,000 people would die as a result of the vaccination and that this would happen in this flu season." I defy you to quote him word for word @petrus100452 That is what "explicitly said" means. You made the claim, now back it up from the article. Prove me wrong. Go for it. :D
@Ultraviolet: Listen to this video of "Br. Bugnolo":…comes-the-chaos-will-begin-prepare-yourselves-now/
I apologize, I made one mistake. He explicitly says (you can check that on the video) that people will die within two years as a result of the vaccination and this will begin coming flu season (the date of the video is June 18, 2021). So, in essence I was right in …More
@Ultraviolet: Listen to this video of "Br. Bugnolo":…comes-the-chaos-will-begin-prepare-yourselves-now/

I apologize, I made one mistake. He explicitly says (you can check that on the video) that people will die within two years as a result of the vaccination and this will begin coming flu season (the date of the video is June 18, 2021). So, in essence I was right in my display of his "prophecy".
@Mathathias Maccabeus To properly explain this, I defer to the definitive explanation and research compiled by GTV's own @Fr Matthew P Schneider LC Father did an extensive expose/ debunking of "bro" Bugnolo's credentials awhile back. Fun Trivia: "Bro" Bugnolo is very litigious and yet, in all this time, he's never sued for libel, either.
Issues with (Br) Alexis Bugnolo, Ordo Militaris & FromRome
It's worth the read since "bro" Bugnolo continues to misrepresent himself. @petrus100452
"He explicitly says (you can check that on the video)..."
The claims do not appear in the article linked to this post. My comments refer to the content of the article linked to this post. What "Bro" Bugnolo says elsewhere is irrelevant to what was linked to this post.
"So, in essence I was right in my …More
It's worth the read since "bro" Bugnolo continues to misrepresent himself. @petrus100452
"He explicitly says (you can check that on the video)..."

The claims do not appear in the article linked to this post. My comments refer to the content of the article linked to this post. What "Bro" Bugnolo says elsewhere is irrelevant to what was linked to this post.

"So, in essence I was right in my display of his "prophecy"."

Since we were discussing the article linked to this post, no, you weren't. He made no such claims there. Besides, I've already acknowledged his "prophecy" will come true because it describes something that is inevitable.

Anyone can make 100% accurate prophecy just by saying, "There will be a full moon in the next month, guaranteed"
@Ultraviolet: In the article Bugnolo says "Globalists trolls are saying that I exaggerate when I say 2 Billion will die or that people will start dropping dead on the side walk by summer...". That refers to his claims in the video I referred to. So the video is intrinsically linked to the article.
For a moment I thought you would admit that you were wrong, but that was a mistake. I should have known …More
@Ultraviolet: In the article Bugnolo says "Globalists trolls are saying that I exaggerate when I say 2 Billion will die or that people will start dropping dead on the side walk by summer...". That refers to his claims in the video I referred to. So the video is intrinsically linked to the article.
For a moment I thought you would admit that you were wrong, but that was a mistake. I should have known: admitting a mistake is an absolute impossibility for you.... Humility is not your best trait...
"That refers to his claims in the video I referred to."
No evidence shown he's referring to that video or any other video. He might be referring to one of his many articles.
"So the video is intrinsically linked to the article."
That explains why he doesn't see fit to even include a link to the video. :D
The claims does not appear in the article linked to this post.
The video is not linked to …More
"That refers to his claims in the video I referred to."
No evidence shown he's referring to that video or any other video. He might be referring to one of his many articles.

"So the video is intrinsically linked to the article."
That explains why he doesn't see fit to even include a link to the video. :D
The claims does not appear in the article linked to this post.
The video is not linked to the article linked to this post, either.

"I should have known: admitting a mistake is an absolute impossibility for you"

That explains why I did so here. Got any other mistakes you feel like sharing? Either about "Bro" Bugnolo or myself? Hey, you've been wrong about everything so far, why stop now?
@Ultraviolet: I find it hard to believe that you are going to heaven. Or God must be manipulable....
@petrus100452 So won't admit you were wrong when you claimed I won't admit I was wrong. Or that you were wrong about the article. But you're quick to criticize about that, aren't you? Great double-standards you're running, guy.
...and, btw, I've been planning my posthumous legal defense for over a decade now. God is the Supreme Judge and I know the prosecuting attorney very, very well. ;-)More
@petrus100452 So won't admit you were wrong when you claimed I won't admit I was wrong. Or that you were wrong about the article. But you're quick to criticize about that, aren't you? Great double-standards you're running, guy.

...and, btw, I've been planning my posthumous legal defense for over a decade now. God is the Supreme Judge and I know the prosecuting attorney very, very well. ;-)
You find "it hard to believe", do you? Here's your prize. pic related :D
@Ultraviolet: I hope for your sake that you are right. Maybe God can be manipulated after all. In any case, your prosecuting attorney does his utmost and you follow in his footsteps very well.
I don't for an instant believe God can be manipulated or that I can out-argue Him. But He won't be prosecuting me and maybe, just maybe, I can out-argue the prosecution. For me, Heaven would begin right there. An eternity of knowing I won a case before the wisest, fairest judge in all existence against the most clever, most treacherous attorney ever to exist.
@Ultraviolet: Take Mary as your Advocate. Won't do you wrong! And let's pray for each other.
Already have. The Blessed Mother plays a key role in the (inevitable) Purgatorial sentencing phase of my trial. This is why Marian devotions are so important in placing her "on retainer" so to speak.
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC
I did a long investigation of Bugnolo and you can feel free to check my links for sources. I would not consider him particularly reliable. Issues with (Br) Alexis Bugnolo, Ordo Militaris & FromRome
Many deaths can indeed be linked to vaccination, but the number 2 billion does not come remotely into the picture. The world's population is just under 8 billion people. That means that 1 in 4 people will die from the vaccine, according to Br. Bugnolo's prediction. The excess mortality is currently several thousand in my country (which is not to say that all of them died from the vaccine). And in …More
Many deaths can indeed be linked to vaccination, but the number 2 billion does not come remotely into the picture. The world's population is just under 8 billion people. That means that 1 in 4 people will die from the vaccine, according to Br. Bugnolo's prediction. The excess mortality is currently several thousand in my country (which is not to say that all of them died from the vaccine). And in my country the vaccination rate is high, so many more than 1 in 4 should die. The prediction of 2 billion deaths from the vaccine (during this flu season) is absurd.
2 billion deaths is his claim. Wild claims discredit opposition to this gene therapy and lockdown measures. A selection of Tweets on deaths doesn't support the 2 bn claims.