
Traditionis Custodes: Benedictines Don't Play Along

The Roman Rite Benedictines in Taggia, Italy, will resist Francis’ Traditionis Custodes, they announced in a December 21 statement.

The community was founded by two monks who left the famous French Le Barroux Abbey in 2008 and are presently located in Ventimiglia-Sanremo Diocese, headed by Bishop Antonio Suetta, 59.

They will stick to their constitutions, approved by the Holy See, and will use the Roman liturgy both outside and inside their monastery, including the Roman ritual and the Pontificale [which Archbishop Roche attempted to “abolish”].

Talking to Present.fr (January 3), the prior, Father Jean de Belleville, criticised Francis’ “desire to suppress the use of the Old Rite” and announced that the monks will “remain faithful, whatever the cost.”

He warns other traditional communities that a lack of firmness will weaken them and that they may be required to reject unjust orders from Rome.

Belleville admits that his community is under Roche's Congregation for Divine Worship which, however, "is not all-powerful.” If the monks are forced to use the Novus Ordo, they will remain faithful to their vows even if this means that they are labelled “disobedient.”


He isn't a usurper @mccallansteve He wouldn't even BE pope if Benedict XVI had only delayed his resignation by a few years.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
That's right. If only Benedict XVI had waited 18 months, or even if he could have hung on as Pope despite his weaknesses, and lasted until Bergoglio was 79-80, then Bergoglio would never have been elected, and the Church would be in a much better condition than the wreckage it is now.
My family and I come from Japan. We are in USA since 2010, when I was 16. In Japan, Catholics are very small in …More
That's right. If only Benedict XVI had waited 18 months, or even if he could have hung on as Pope despite his weaknesses, and lasted until Bergoglio was 79-80, then Bergoglio would never have been elected, and the Church would be in a much better condition than the wreckage it is now.
My family and I come from Japan. We are in USA since 2010, when I was 16. In Japan, Catholics are very small in number, less than 1%. St. Francis Xavier and Jesuits (as well as Franciscan and Dominican missionaries), came to Japan in the mid 16th century an had enormous success converting our people to Catholicism. Jesuits and Franciscans and Dominicans were respected, and some because influential in the courts of the local daimyo (govenors or areas/provinces) in Japan. A few became Catholics themselves, and it was tradition in Japan of the time, that it your lord became a CAtholic, you did too. So there were mass conversions. Were it not for the arrival of a few English and Dutch Protestant ships which were intercepted in Japanese waters in the very early 17th century seeking trade with Japan, it is possible Japan would be a large Catholic percentage today, although probably never the majority. But the Protestants, gaining footholds in Japan, turned the daimyo and the Shogun against the Catholics, and we began to be actively persecuted and executed. There are many Japanese Catholics who have been declared "Blessed" because of martyrdom. But the Protestants tactics backfired on them, and the Shogun and his council turned against all Christians and foreigners and closed the country off from the outside world until the 1850's. After the last shogun was overthrown, Tokugawa Yoshinobu in 1868 and the emperor restored, CAtholics slowly were allowed again, and before Vatican II, there were over a million Japanese CAtholics.
But with VAtican II, there were big declines even in Japan, and now there are only nearly 550-600,000 Catholics who practice in Japan.
When we came to USA, I saw dozens of churches in my area , Catholic churches which had convents and priest houses and schools. Our seminary had 250 seminarians still even after all that came from VAtican II. That was 2010. Now after nearly 10 years of Bergoglio/Francis, the seminary is closing 2024 and already sold to an organization called "Main Line Health". Huge building which once 1950's had 500+ seminarians now will be medical centers. There are no sisters in any of the schools near me, and parishes are cutting down number of MAsses because no one goes to the Novus Ordo....but the two Latin Mass parishes are filled.
Sorry for the long post, but my point is, CAtholcism in Japan will never be huge. Japan is of Buddhist and Shinto outlook, which alittle bit is in conflict with Christian outlooks. Also it is very secular. But in the USA, Catholicism, even in my area was flourishing and huge. It still functioned well until Pope Francis....then came a bigger collapse than even with VAtican II. That is truely the mark of evil. Let us hope the Church restores with a good Pope when Francis is dead soon.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Thank you @Chat Chartreux ! Appologies for such a long post, but you are right. I knew that Benedict XVI is still a modernist and large supporter of Vatican II , but even as Doctrine Prefect, I read many statements he made which were not complementing for Vatican II at all. Being only 27, I never had seen a serving pope wear the papal vestments and extra pieces that Benedict XVI restored, and was …More
Thank you @Chat Chartreux ! Appologies for such a long post, but you are right. I knew that Benedict XVI is still a modernist and large supporter of Vatican II , but even as Doctrine Prefect, I read many statements he made which were not complementing for Vatican II at all. Being only 27, I never had seen a serving pope wear the papal vestments and extra pieces that Benedict XVI restored, and was very impressed. My parents and grandparents knew of the great Pope Pius XII and how he presented himself, so they were fortunate to have seen these things. I suppose I was too impressed of the things Benedict XVI restored to realize that he still believes in Vatican II and much of Francis opinions. But I am very certain he doesn't approve of the support for homosexuality, accomodation of it in the VAtican, the Pachamamma scandals, and the insane persecution of the LAtin Mass by Francis and his squad. Other than that, I agree with you that he shares much of Francis' outlook. He is nearly 95 and probably too old to say anything, but I wish he would strongly oppose Francis regarding the LAtin Mass. Also not likely, but I wish Benedict XVI would by some miracle, outlive Francis. 😉
@Chat Chartreux As Rodney Dangerfield famously quipped, "if you want to look thin, you hang out with fat people!" Benedict was, as you note, a modernist and an architect of Vatican Council II. Compared to the militant-Marxist Francis, he appear positively saintly by comparison. Benedict was the kind of "soft" modernist The Church has seen for nearly half a century prior to the strident and agenda-…More
@Chat Chartreux As Rodney Dangerfield famously quipped, "if you want to look thin, you hang out with fat people!" Benedict was, as you note, a modernist and an architect of Vatican Council II. Compared to the militant-Marxist Francis, he appear positively saintly by comparison. Benedict was the kind of "soft" modernist The Church has seen for nearly half a century prior to the strident and agenda-focused Francis.
Resist the usurper!
Beautiful. Real men of God.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The illegit Pope is at it again, singling out faithful Catholics today on Epiphany Mass- Quote copied from Reuters below. This guy will never learn to keep his nasty opinions to himself. He doesn't know how much he is hated, and comments like these will only make faithful Catholic reject him and his "synodal" Church all the more. Already, many dozens of parishes and even religious Orders and …More
The illegit Pope is at it again, singling out faithful Catholics today on Epiphany Mass- Quote copied from Reuters below. This guy will never learn to keep his nasty opinions to himself. He doesn't know how much he is hated, and comments like these will only make faithful Catholic reject him and his "synodal" Church all the more. Already, many dozens of parishes and even religious Orders and monasteries are standing up to him and saying, " we will not obey". There's more I'd like to say to him, some choice comments in English, Japanese, and Spanish if he'd prefer , that would shock him out of his pompous self-righteous tyranical attitude fast. Wish I could do it!! Maybe not as good in English as I'd like but he'd get the idea.

From Reuters:
"On the Feast of the Epiphany, Francis seemed to direct specific criticism at those who have balked at his decision to restrict the traditionalist Latin Mass, saying the liturgy could not be trapped in a "dead language."

Quote from Francis--

"Have we been stuck all too long, nestled inside a conventional, external and formal religiosity that no longer warms our hearts and changes our lives?," Francis said.

"Do our words and our liturgies ignite in people's hearts a desire to move towards God, or are they a 'dead language' that speaks only of itself and to itself?"
Jan Joseph
Geweldig, ik hoop dat de andere Tridentijnse groepen volgen.
Ave Crux
These editorial cartoons are incredible, both in the skill required and in the devastating accuracy of their commentary. Thank you!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Yes, they are the best!
Alberto Di Janni
And what about the monks of Le Barrou?
Benedicat vos omnipotens Deus: Pater et Filius et Spiritus Sanctus. Amen.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Francis has unleashed a hurricane of revolt and anger among good faithful Catholics who are rallying to defend our Catholic tradition and the Tridentine LAtin Mass. He and his thugs like Archbishop Roche are too stupid to realize what they have unleashed. The tide for tradition is growing, not disappearing. This stupid and vicious act of Francis, lacking all charity and a violation of valid judgement …More
Francis has unleashed a hurricane of revolt and anger among good faithful Catholics who are rallying to defend our Catholic tradition and the Tridentine LAtin Mass. He and his thugs like Archbishop Roche are too stupid to realize what they have unleashed. The tide for tradition is growing, not disappearing. This stupid and vicious act of Francis, lacking all charity and a violation of valid judgement in the exteme will, in short order sweep what legitimacy his pontificate had away, as well as any defense for the "reforms" of Vatican II regarding the Mass, and all aspects of CAtholic life. Today was the Feast of the Epiphany. Francis celebrated Mass for a surprisingly small congregation in St. Peter's. As suuall, no one applauded him, or cheered "Viva il Papa". I've seen news photos taken of him as he sat slumpted in his chair. He looked awful....same angry face, but sunken like someone who is hiding very serious illness. I don't think he has much longer.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
God bless these good monks, and any/all other traditional Orders and priests and faithful...even bishops/and/or Cardinals who resist Francis and his unjust, illegal, and sinful declaration "Traditiones Custodes" against the Latin Mass. These good Orders can either maintain themselves independent of the radicals in Rome, or affiliate themselves to the SSPX, which maintains our Catholic traditions