
He Got the Point: More Viruses - More Masses

Valencia Cardinal Antonio Cañizares, Spain, a former Curia Cardinal, believes that the Covid-19 plague is “worsening."

In a January 25 message (ArchiValencia.org) he admitted that he is personally afraid of being infected. His response to more positive Covid-19 test results in the local population are more Masses and more open churches,

“This is the hour for us to return to God, trust in Him, and not be afraid,” the fearful Cardinal writes.

Cañizares states that “faith cannot be maintained without the Eucharist,” a statement that has enormous implications for the ecumenical dialogue with the Protestants. Christians “cannot live without the Eucharist.”


Louis IX
The truth of the Eucharist is a stumbling block for some. It has been from the very beginning. But without out it there is no life within.
The priest is a man of God, a man of prayer and humility, a contemplative who seeks to help his brethren to penetrate the mystery of the love of God. -Cardinal Robert Sarah
Melvin Abel Lourenco
Amen 🙏