
Francis Is “Making Use” of the Vatican Gay Mafia

Pope Francis has undermined Benedict XVI’s alleged attempt of cleaning out the homosexual lobby from the Vatican according to the unnamed author of ”The Dictator Pope”. Talking to Church MilitantMore
Pope Francis has undermined Benedict XVI’s alleged attempt of cleaning out the homosexual lobby from the Vatican according to the unnamed author of ”The Dictator Pope”.
Talking to Church Militant (December 17), the author stated that Francis is continuing the policy for which he was known in Buenos Aires when he "deliberately" made use of morally weak subordinates "because of the hold it gives him over them”.
The author explains that Francis has promoted prelates of scandalous character and has given them a platform "to enforce their programme of changing the Church's teaching on sexual morality.”
i would like to purchase the book the dictator pope
@Tesa, that is a very clear, direct quote!
"Some of the modern popes have been great men, other have been adequate; for centuries there has been none who was, as one must say brutally of Francis, so plainly beneath his office." Marcantonio Colonna