Archdiocese of Washington reprimands priest for denying communion to a lesbian

Photo ~ Barbara Johnson Archdiocese of Washington reprimands priest for denying communion to a lesbian GAITHERSBURG, MARYLAND, February 29, 2012, (LifeSiteNews) – A parish priest in Maryland, who denied …More
Photo ~ Barbara Johnson
Archdiocese of Washington reprimands priest for denying communion to a lesbian
GAITHERSBURG, MARYLAND, February 29, 2012, (LifeSiteNews)
– A parish priest in Maryland, who denied communion to a woman who identified herself as a lesbian, has been publicly rebuked by the Archdiocese of Washington.
Barbara Johnson attended her mother’s funeral last Saturday and introduced her lesbian partner to the priest before Mass.
Fr. Marcel Guarnizo of St. John Neumann Catholic Church in Gaithersburg, Maryland, covered the Host as she approached and told her, “I can’t give you Communion because you live with a woman, and in the eyes of the Church, that is a sin.”
Afterwards, she wrote him a letter telling him, “I will do everything in my power to see that you are removed from parish life so that you will not be permitted to harm any more families.”
...The Archdiocese of Washington issued a brief press release saying Fr. Guarnizo’s actions were inappropriate. “When questions …More
" Fr Guarnizo's actions" declared "inapropiate" by Archdiocese of Washington - thus bowing under pressure of political correctness the Archdiocese takes on themselves the "sin abominable in the eyes of God" of which Fr Guarnizo's is not guilty by admonishing the sinner...
Looks like the lesbol got her way. 😡
Makes me sad. When I am ordained in 4 years what will I have to face? 🥴More
Looks like the lesbol got her way. 😡

Makes me sad. When I am ordained in 4 years what will I have to face? 🥴
Persecution of the the Protectors of the Faith wil intensify, and we must pray and stand fast in the teaching of our Holy Faith. Well said, HC, Rhemes, Holyrope3 😇
Holy Cannoli
Now how exactly did we end up in this situation where a parish priest is put in a position like this and is punished for what was, indeed, a pastoral action?
Once again the moral responsibility falls at the feet of our bishops.
They have failed to preach the truth. They have muddled the teaching of the Church and allowed "gay liturgies" that imply acceptance of the active homosexual lifestyle.
They …
Now how exactly did we end up in this situation where a parish priest is put in a position like this and is punished for what was, indeed, a pastoral action?

Once again the moral responsibility falls at the feet of our bishops.

They have failed to preach the truth. They have muddled the teaching of the Church and allowed "gay liturgies" that imply acceptance of the active homosexual lifestyle.

They have failed to discipline renegade priests and nuns like Fr. Robert Nugent and Sr. Jeannine Gramick unless Rome intervenes. They have permitted gay advocacy groups like Dignity and New Ways Ministry to flourish in their dioceses.

They have done nothing about gay parishes like Most Holy Redeemer in San Francisco, St. Joan of Arc in Minneapolis, Our Lady Queen of Peace and St. Francis in my own diocese of Arlington, and scores of others around the country.

Yes, the bishops gave us this latest Catholic-bashing crisis and it's a wake-up call to every priest in the country. Who will be next?

Cardinal Wuerl's reaction doesn't surprise me. He had a reputation in Pittsburgh for advancing the gay movement and persecuting the orthodox. So it must have come easy to throw the priest under the bus.

In closing, I have a few questions for Barbara Johnson.

If you didn't want controversy at your mom's funeral, why did you inject your disordered relationship by introducing your lesbian partner to Fr. Guarnizo as your "lover?"

Why did you make a point of going to Communion after he told you not to knowing you would probably be refused? Who turned this into a media event and a witch hunt to end the ministry of a good priest?
holyrope 3
LGBT seeking confontration... these homosexuals seek out the ones they want to destroy, they are vicious and will stop at nothing.
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Comments from a secular internet site:
The lesbo will show up next Sunday for mass. Will Fr. Guarnizo stand tall?
The priest was completely justified in denying Communion to a public sinner. Had she kept her homosexual activities private, so as to avoid public scandal, the priest should have given her Communion.
But why does she want to receive Communion …
Comments from a secular internet site:

The lesbo will show up next Sunday for mass. Will Fr. Guarnizo stand tall?

The priest was completely justified in denying Communion to a public sinner. Had she kept her homosexual activities private, so as to avoid public scandal, the priest should have given her Communion.

But why does she want to receive Communion? If she disagrees with the Church on the sinfulness of homosexual activity, she should leave.


The lesbo will show up next Sunday for mass. Will Fr. Guarnizo stand tall?

Hey, maybe Fr. Guarnizo should be forced to let this carpet muncher give the sermon. No need to maintain common sense, decency, and morality when a lesbian starts to claw her way over standard doctrine.

Let her tell HIM what he has to do. Nutz to the Bishop who caved in to this insane woman.


LGBT seeking confrontation not communion.

Archbishop Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington, waded into a similar controversy in 2009 when he said he would not deny House Speaker Nancy Pelosi communion, claiming to do so would amount to “Communion wielded as a weapon.”

When asked, he said, “there’s a question about whether this canon [915] was ever intended to be used.”
Sure, that was written into canon law because the Catholic Church has investments in the ink industry!

Nothing worse than a pissed off lezbo bull dyke. If she's a Catholic she should know that being queer is a sin and she shouldn't receive Communion. Bump to the priest who stood up to her. Refreshing!!

The Catholic church should be doing the same thing to Pelosi and Kerry because they promote/believe in abortion.

I'm not a Catholic but I wish the church would grow some cojones. I was heartened by their attitude towards the nobamacare contraception debacle. Let's go, keep that attitude growing and stronger

Everything this gal is doing confirms that she is unrepentant. He made the right choice in telling her she shouldn’t come forward for communion and passing her over when she came anyway. Every single act she’s done in this instance reflects a contempt for the Word of the Lord.

Nothing is so bad that the priest can refuse? Or is having a lesbian lover just not bad enough until careful study is given to the situation?

One thing I would love to know, and I hope it comes out like this did, is what the priest said to her when she told him.

Thanks DC diocese, just affirming that sex outside of marriage really isn’t too big a deal when you get right down to it.

““When in doubt, give it out,” Msgr. Pope said.”

IT? Has it really come down to this? IT? The Holy Eucharist is an “IT” that should just be given out like a Halloween trick or treat candy?

This extraordinarily offensive from a “Monsigneur.” What happened to the “IT” being the body and blood of Christ?

Since when do blatant sinners, who are proud of their sin, have a “right” to Holy Communion?

Shame on the bishop for caving to the world’s perversion. It shows a lack of caring for the soul of those asking to commune. Those who commune unworthily, do so to their soul’s destruction. “Let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body.” ( I Corinthians 11:28-29)

My entire sympathy is reserved for the parish priest.

The arrogance of the pervert to demand the removal of the priest from his parish is adding insult to injury.

This continuation of the church hierarchy to ignore the canons of the faith for the sake of political correctness during the church abuse scandal indicated to me that the church left me, not the other way aroun