Matt Stand

Is Archbishop Viganò in Schism?

Is Archbishop Viganò in Schism?

This article was written nearly four years ago and the conclusion was:

If Archbishop Viganò truly believes that Pope Francis is propagating heresies, idolatry, and apostasy, then either Christ’s promise to the Church has failed or the Church led by Pope Francis is not the Church of Christ. If Viganò believes that Christ has failed in his promise, then he sets himself against Sacred Scripture and the teaching of Vatican I. If he believes that the Church led by Pope Francis is not the true Church of Christ, then either he is a schismatic or a sedevacantist.

Since then we’ve had numerous other outbursts from him, not least his last one. If there was any doubt before there can be none now. He is by definition in schism.

If you cherish your faith, you’d be well advised to steer clear of him (and his cohort Williamson).

Bazsó-Dombi Attila
@Matt Stand
Note, that your "source" is the mouthpiece of the Deep-Church traitors' maffia. Supposedly you might be one of their provocateur employees.
After your brilliant theologic coherency what is the status of an apostate prelate who isn't from far Catholic?! Just note, that Bergoglio isn't anymore Catholic at all, since he returns from Germany where he didn't finished his doctoral program!More
@Matt Stand

Note, that your "source" is the mouthpiece of the Deep-Church traitors' maffia. Supposedly you might be one of their provocateur employees.
After your brilliant theologic coherency what is the status of an apostate prelate who isn't from far Catholic?! Just note, that Bergoglio isn't anymore Catholic at all, since he returns from Germany where he didn't finished his doctoral program!
I think it should be fairly obvious by now to anyone with two functioning brain cells that it is the faux church in Rome led by the faux "pope" squatting on the Chair of Peter that is in schism. Please, people, stop attacking the good men who are trying to rescue the Bride of Christ from her captivity.
True Mass
Matt, just to be clear the DDF, you know the office whose job it is to Guard and Protect the Deposit of Faith given to us by Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Makes me wonder whether the "powers" are counter attacking, because of the furor about their advocating blessing homosexual couples, and have decided to focus on the brave person who continues to talk truth to power.
True Mass
Hey Matt just curious, do you think there's a strong likelihood that the head of the DDF is an unrepentant homosexual? Just wondering what your thoughts may be on this.
Matt Stand
Hey TM just curious, do you think there's a strong likelihood that the head of the “Resistance” is an unrepentant harbourer of clergy sex abusers? Just wondering what your thoughts may be on this.
True Mass
The popesplaining Vigano bashers are really out in force today. He is clearly over the target.
Dump V2 and all the filth it has ushered in.
Archbishop Vigano is a truth telling warrior for Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ.
Boanerges Boanerges
Stop with Bergoglian propaganda! Vigano plays for God's team!
Sean Johnson
What are the odds the OP is even a conciliar Catholic??