French Bishop: European Bishops Are Mute Dogs

American bishops are more likely than French bishops to proclaim the truth when it is against the ideology of the government, said Bishop Marc Aillet of Bayonne, France (, 6 February). "…More
American bishops are more likely than French bishops to proclaim the truth when it is against the ideology of the government, said Bishop Marc Aillet of Bayonne, France (, 6 February).
"When I went to the United States, I found that parishes had services specifically dedicated to the dignity of life, and at every March for Life, a significant number of bishops participate, which is not the case in France or elsewhere," he said.
"It is fair to say that many of their bishops are not 'mute dogs'," he added. "Perhaps they can encourage us French bishops to bark a little louder?"
On the current crisis in the Church, Monsignor Aillet repeats the French figures. In 1960, 94% of the French children were baptised and only 30% in 2020. The average age of priests is 75.
Aillet warns against liturgical wars and wants to educate the faithful in the treasures of the liturgy, instead of creating frustration among young people.
"There is no point in burdening them with the ideological wars …More
"Aillet warns against liturgical wars"
Oh, we got to know the Novus Ordo Peace too well, I dare to say.
Simon North
The Novus Ordo Missae isn't a liturgical treasure. Maybe the Bishop can begin there with his education of young people. Also his statement about the "ideological wars that animated their elders" comment is disingenuous in the extreme. The Ecclesial War of the past 60 years is not "ideological" in nature: it is about the recovery of the very nature of the Church and its relationship with a fallen …More
The Novus Ordo Missae isn't a liturgical treasure. Maybe the Bishop can begin there with his education of young people. Also his statement about the "ideological wars that animated their elders" comment is disingenuous in the extreme. The Ecclesial War of the past 60 years is not "ideological" in nature: it is about the recovery of the very nature of the Church and its relationship with a fallen world.
How wrong you are! US Bishops are exactly mute dogs. Which of them is faithful to Christ and the unchanging teachings of the Church?
Protesting abortion is not our religion. Abortion is a symptom of literally turning our backs on God. Legalized abortion coincides with the implementation of the Novus Ordo.More
How wrong you are! US Bishops are exactly mute dogs. Which of them is faithful to Christ and the unchanging teachings of the Church?

Protesting abortion is not our religion. Abortion is a symptom of literally turning our backs on God. Legalized abortion coincides with the implementation of the Novus Ordo.
Veel Europese bisschoppen geloven zelf niet meer in God, daarom nemen ze ook niet deel aan de betogingen tegen abortus, sterker nog ze zijn voor abortus..