
Poverty Pope Promotes Banker of the Rich

Francis named on July 10 Mario Draghi, 72, as a member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. Draghi who did his high-school with the Jesuits, is a former President of the European Central Bank …More
Francis named on July 10 Mario Draghi, 72, as a member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.
Draghi who did his high-school with the Jesuits, is a former President of the European Central Bank (2011-2019), and a former Goldman Sachs banker who is connected to the Rockefeller Foundation.
The former Italian president Francesco Cossiga (+2010) called Draghi “a despicable profiteer” and “liquidator of public industry.”
As President of the European Central Bank, he strongly promoted a politic of financial austerity which caused poverty in many European countries.
Picture: Mario Draghi, © World Economic Forum, CC BY-SA, #newsSeybwrgwiy
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