Four Heroes of Hypocrisy: How the President of the German Bishops Will Present Himself

The Diocese of Limburg, Germany, headed by Georg Bätzing, the President of the German Bishops, has invented four figures for its presence at the 'Katholikentag' in Erfurt from 29 May to 2 June. The '…More
The Diocese of Limburg, Germany, headed by Georg Bätzing, the President of the German Bishops, has invented four figures for its presence at the 'Katholikentag' in Erfurt from 29 May to 2 June.
The 'Katholikentag' is a festival-like national gathering of 'Catholics' in Germany that takes place about every 2-4 years.
Bätzing's four heroes are: Fantastic Rainbow, Dr Future, Captain Liberty and PaxMan (all names originally in English). Participants in the Katholikentag can have their picture taken with them.
The characters are drawn by an illustrator who trained at Warner Brothers and Walt Disney Studios:
- Dr Future is a female hero for climate and environmental hysteria.
- Captain Liberty is a female hero for "democracy", "freedom" and [no sarcasm intended] "freedom of speech".
- Fantastic Rainbow is a "non-binary" figure who promotes homosexuality.
- Paxman brings peace wherever there is unrest. Figures such as Jesus Christ, Our Lady, St. Joseph and others obviously have little significance …More
I think the main hero of today German hierarchy is Captain Chaos.
"Captain Liberty" looks more like a super-villain. Blood red suit with the slash symbol stripes topped off an "X" to deny others. Guess that's how the woke conceive freedom of speech - 'freedom for me, not for thee." Reminds of the book title: "Liberty, the god that failed."
Billy F
What happened to the awesome cartoons???
Sick!!!!😡🤮🤮🤮….but then it’s Germany, so what else would one expect?