Brazilian Shaman Putanny Yawanawá Performs Ritual at WEF, Coughs on Elites' Heads.More
Brazilian Shaman Putanny Yawanawá Performs Ritual at WEF, Coughs on Elites' Heads.
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Alejandrina Reyes
Remember that is the NEW World religion
Everyday for Life Canada
No Christian prayers but this bizarre pagan exercise is welcomed by the global elites.
Pachamama Ecumenical WEF church
Roberto 55
Maybe he or she spit on them that new virus X... 🤮
Exactly! The dominant sect is announcing the release of the second virus and the end of our liberties for 2024.
Shaman; AKA devil worshiper. How appropriate that she appears at the WEF.
Roberto 55
because they are from same "tribe"... 😂
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