Disgusting History Against Old Rite Catholics. Cream City Catholic, "In the '80s (during the Dark Ages of Archbishop Weakland) those who wished to attend the TLM had to present this official "permission …More
Disgusting History Against Old Rite Catholics.
Cream City Catholic, "In the '80s (during the Dark Ages of Archbishop Weakland) those who wished to attend the TLM had to present this official "permission slip" at the entrance of the 1 chapel in the archdiocese where it was offered. It's a fascinating & sad bit of our history."
I think Catholics should start hiring Canon lawyers against local priests and Bishops trying to implement things they cannot!!!
Let them try, I’ll drop a canon lawyer on them...
50,000 will be given to stop such actions against this...
One more comment from Lalanz
Pray for Weakland, actions like this must have led many to hell...I found it interesting that this bishops name is “weakland” this move literally “weakened the land” ....
alex j
Weakland did more harm to the church than any other prelate before his time and after.
Who wants to guess how "permi$$ion" was granted? Seriously, there was actually an Archbishop Weakling? Gee...he must have had a rough time in grade-school. :-D
How "pastoral" and "merciful" of him. Scoundrel.