"What the Great Reset could bring about by the year 2030?" - By now, I'm sure you've heard of the World Economic Forum, otherwise known as the WEF. But what are their real intentions for us? The WEF …More
"What the Great Reset could bring about by the year 2030?" - By now, I'm sure you've heard of the World Economic Forum, otherwise known as the WEF. But what are their real intentions for us? The WEF is an organisation that is taking massive steps to create our economic, environmental, and financial world in an image they believe is right for all of us. However, what's always concerned me is the fact that the WEF, and its leader Klaus Schwab, aren't elected by anyone. But despite this, they're putting their members, who share their beliefs, in positions of power all around the world. There are some big predictions as to what the Great Reset could bring about by the year 2030. And in this video, I'm going to explore a hypothetical world that could come to pass, if some of the things the WEF have spoken about, or are working towards, become a reality.
Related: 1. "What Is The Great Reset?" - 2. "Iain Davis Dissects the Pseudopandemic" - The Corbett Report - Related: "Pseudopandemic" - …More
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"...aren't elected by anyone..." Democracy isn't the be-ell-end-all. Some things shouldn't be up for a 'vote' That being said, the globalists' wish to reduce mankind to cyborgs completely dependent on their godless master.
In the New Testament, a vote of the people was tried...remember ? Jesus Barabbas, or Jesus who is called the Messiah? (Mt 27:17) didn't work out too well...........More
"...aren't elected by anyone..." Democracy isn't the be-ell-end-all. Some things shouldn't be up for a 'vote' That being said, the globalists' wish to reduce mankind to cyborgs completely dependent on their godless master.

In the New Testament, a vote of the people was tried...remember ? Jesus Barabbas, or Jesus who is called the Messiah? (Mt 27:17) didn't work out too well...........
Every body knows by now what the WEF stand for ,and it is not for God ,for humanity and freedom