The Suicide of a “Conservative” Bishop. The Suicide of a “Conservative” Bishop In the last two weeks, we witnessed in awe the insane suicide of San Rafael Bishop Eduardo Taussig, Argentina, Caminate …More
The Suicide of a “Conservative” Bishop.

The Suicide of a “Conservative” Bishop

In the last two weeks, we witnessed in awe the insane suicide of San Rafael Bishop Eduardo Taussig, Argentina, Caminate-Wanderer writes. Under Bishop León Kruk, San Rafael was an extraordinary magnet of vocations. The international Institute of the Incarnate Word was founded at that time in San Raffael. Until today, its clergy is very Catholic and the diocese has an excellent Catholic laity.

Taussig Refuses Communion

Bishop Taussig got himself into trouble when he agreed with the local government to accept the re-introduction of Mass with compulsory Communion in the hand. He showed the full force of his legalism when on Corpus Christi he denied communion to an old man with a cane who was unable to take Communion in his hand. In the whole area there have been no cases of coronavirus.

Hecatomb in the Seminary

Taussig ordered the diocesan seminary to ban Communion on the tongue. Therefore, the rector of the seminary presented his resignation which was accepted. The vice-rector was discharged and sent home to his family. Taussig made himself the new rector, forcing the seminarians to receive Communion in the hand. Those who stayed back and did not receive Communion were considered suspect.

Regardless of the losses

The deans and most of the parish priests of Taussig’s diocese pleaded with him, sometimes with tears, because they could in conscience not refuse Communion on the tongue. Taussig was merciless. He removed recently ordained Father Horacio Valdivia from the parish and sent him home because he had imparted Communion on the tongue and celebrated Mass without a mask. He closed down St. Francis Solano parish in San Rafael because the priests and faithful refused to deny Communion on the tongue, even after Taussig had lectured them.

Taussig Is a “Good Man”

The incredible thing: Taussig is a Conservative. Among all the conservative Argentinean priests in Rome, he was the most conservative when he earned his doctorate at the Angelicum and was living in the Convitto San Tommaso, where Gloria.tv’s Father Reto Nay got to know and appreciate him. He has been on Francis' list of unwanted bishops for many years because he represents what Francis hates the most: education and hailing from a good family. There is even the hypothesis that Taussig is terrified by the recent expulsion of Saint Luis Bishop Martínez. Knowing that he is next on Francis’ list, he wanted to placate Francis’ mercy, seeking to save himself at the expense of his flock. San Raffael and San Luis Seminaries are the last two Catholic Seminaries in Argentina.
HC you are arguing in favor of communion in the hand?
Holy Cannoli
Hello rhemes,
I am neither arguing in favor of nor against communion in the hand. Communion on the tongue and in the hand are permitted by the teaching authority of the church. End of story.
What I am arguing against are the self appointed dim-bulbs who believe that their own authority supersedes the authority of the church to which they claim to belong. It makes one wonder that if these egotists …More
Hello rhemes,
I am neither arguing in favor of nor against communion in the hand. Communion on the tongue and in the hand are permitted by the teaching authority of the church. End of story.

What I am arguing against are the self appointed dim-bulbs who believe that their own authority supersedes the authority of the church to which they claim to belong. It makes one wonder that if these egotists deny the teaching authority of the church in this one area, what other areas are next? 🥴

Happy 4th!
This bishop is a coward.
Holy Cannoli
...he denied communion to an old man with a cane who was unable to take Communion in his hand.
I found a secret video of that 'old man.' 😎
It looks like he's got 2 functioning hands so what was the problem?More
...he denied communion to an old man with a cane who was unable to take Communion in his hand.

I found a secret video of that 'old man.' 😎
It looks like he's got 2 functioning hands so what was the problem?
The problem is that communion in the hand is sacrilege.
Something that the Novus Ordo paves the way well.
Holy Cannoli
The problem is that communion in the hand is sacrilege.
Evidently you're not a Catholic where it is, as of 1977, permitted.
By the way, the subject is not debatable in spite of you nutjobs who have made this their Raison d'être. 🥴More
The problem is that communion in the hand is sacrilege.

Evidently you're not a Catholic where it is, as of 1977, permitted.

By the way, the subject is not debatable in spite of you nutjobs who have made this their Raison d'être. 🥴
unHoly Cannoli Such manner and crime of distributing Holy Communion, through eveone's hands and profaning particles with Body an Blood of Christ, yes Communion not you unHoly, has never been permitted as it is violation of dogmas and Church law. Even if Hitler legally permitted and advocated the crime of murdering children in their mother's wombs it doesn't mean it is permitted as such and should …More
unHoly Cannoli Such manner and crime of distributing Holy Communion, through eveone's hands and profaning particles with Body an Blood of Christ, yes Communion not you unHoly, has never been permitted as it is violation of dogmas and Church law. Even if Hitler legally permitted and advocated the crime of murdering children in their mother's wombs it doesn't mean it is permitted as such and should be advocated by you.
"But one must not forget the primary office of priests, who have been consecrated by their ordination to represent Christ the Priest: for this reason their hands, like their words and their will, have become the direct instruments of Christ. Through this fact, that is, as ministers of the Holy Eucharist, they have a primary responsibility for the sacred species, because it is a total responsibility: they offer the bread and wine, they consecrate it, and then distribute the sacred species to the participants in the assembly who wish to receive them. Deacons can only bring to the altar the offerings of the faithful and, once they have been consecrated by the priest, distribute them. How eloquent therefore, even if not of ancient custom, is the rite of the anointing of the hands in our Latin ordination, as though precisely for these hands a special grace and power of the Holy Spirit is necessary!
To touch the sacred species and to distribute them with their own hands is a privilege of the ordained, one which indicates an active participation in the ministry of the Eucharist. It is obvious that the Church can grant this faculty to those who are neither priests nor deacons, as is the case with acolytes in the exercise of their ministry, especially if they are destined for future ordination, or with other lay people who are chosen for this to meet a just need, but always after an adequate preparation." pp John Paul II
Holy Cannoli
Rafski Poloski is trying to lure me into a debate??? 🤭 😂 😊
Sorry little insignificant nobody. It has already been established by me and several others that you are a nutjob - an insignificant worm lacking intelligence and even common sense.
Here’s a clue for you worm. You are nothing, a nobody, a piece of dog excrement who repeatedly exhibits his overinflated ego by believing he and he alone …More
Rafski Poloski is trying to lure me into a debate??? 🤭 😂 😊
Sorry little insignificant nobody. It has already been established by me and several others that you are a nutjob - an insignificant worm lacking intelligence and even common sense.

Here’s a clue for you worm. You are nothing, a nobody, a piece of dog excrement who repeatedly exhibits his overinflated ego by believing he and he alone gets to decide what is and what is not Catholic teaching even though he publicly contradicts what is Catholic teaching. Added to the fact is that you are terminally stupid. Your ego is out of control and you believe your opinion rules when the fact is that your ego rules nothing other than your own non catholic opinions.

I would say not to write to me again but you probably will anyway. That is what nutjobs do. In particular nutjobs like you who believe they - and not the legitimate governing body of the church – can decide what is acceptable and what is not acceptable behavior within the church. 🥴 🤪 🥴 🤪
Holy Cannoli
These kinds of comments from one Catholic to another are unacceptable. By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another. John, 13:35.
Holy Cannoli
By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another
Many times when someone discusses what the Bible teaches what they may use, even though they may be unaware of it, what is called Proof Text. Proof texting uses certain short passages, many times only a single verse, pulled from the Bible in support of a particular belief or doctrine.
The problem with this method …More
By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another

Many times when someone discusses what the Bible teaches what they may use, even though they may be unaware of it, what is called Proof Text. Proof texting uses certain short passages, many times only a single verse, pulled from the Bible in support of a particular belief or doctrine.

The problem with this method is that the person who is Proof texting usually gives their selected verses a meaning that may be entirely different from what the writer intended. The Bible is written in such a way that most verses cannot be correctly understood in a stand-alone fashion. The context of a particular verse, who wrote it, the time period in which it was written, where did they write it, etc. is needed to arrive at what God intended it to convey.

Proof texting can easily lead to wrong conclusions regarding what is the truth of God. An argument or doctrinal stand that relies heavily on proof passages is ultimately considered weak. In fact, those who preach and teach others based on such special passages in Scripture are generally viewed negatively by true Biblical scholars and those who seriously study the word of God. 🤪
Holy Cannoli
Job 5:17-18 (NIV) "Blessed is the man whom God corrects; so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty. For he wounds, but he also binds up; he injures, but his hands also heal."
1 Cor 11:32 (Phi) But when God does judge us, he disciplines us as his own sons, that we may not be involved in the general condemnation of the world.
Prov 20:30 (NIV) Blows and wounds cleanse away evil, and beatings …More
Job 5:17-18 (NIV) "Blessed is the man whom God corrects; so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty. For he wounds, but he also binds up; he injures, but his hands also heal."

1 Cor 11:32 (Phi) But when God does judge us, he disciplines us as his own sons, that we may not be involved in the general condemnation of the world.

Prov 20:30 (NIV) Blows and wounds cleanse away evil, and beatings purge the innermost being.

Rev 3:19 (NIV) [Jesus] "Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent."

Rom 11:22 (Jer) Do not forget that God can be severe as well as kind...
" he represents what Francis hates the most: education and hailing from a good family." Again, the Marxist fear of intelligentsia and family values. The former are capable of out-debating Marxists and the latter provides a motivation to do so.
But what a tragic end; we must pray for his soul. There was a lot going on that we can't begin to understand.
Our Lady, help of Christians, pray for us.