The Bavarian Seer Alois Irlmaier Predicted Black Lives Matter. The Bavarian Seer Alois Irlmaier Predicted Black Lives Matter The prophecies of Alois Irlmaier who died in 1959, are being fulfilled in …More
The Bavarian Seer Alois Irlmaier Predicted Black Lives Matter.

The Bavarian Seer Alois Irlmaier Predicted Black Lives Matter

The prophecies of Alois Irlmaier who died in 1959, are being fulfilled in our time, the user Robert Belarmin writes on Gloria.tv. According to him, one of Irlmaier's prophecies that is being fulfilled in our time was allegedly published in the Austrian daily "Wiener Kurier" in 1945. The text says, “America will assassinate their own presidents. The blacks who have been in the dust for so long, will get the power. “Over there” – meaning: in America – “immorality and crime will be called originality.” Irlmaier adds, “I see the skyscrapers imploding. America will wage war in the East all the time and never win again. God has turned his back.”

President Putin Mocks U.S. Embassy for Flying Homosex Flag

Vladimir Putin said the U.S. embassy's move to raise the homosex pride flag "revealed something about the people that work there." He added that – quote - “it’s no big deal though. We have spoken about this many times, and our position is clear." Putin stressed that Russias has a law banning the propagation of homosexuality among minors. He explained: “Let people grow up, become adults and then decide their own destinies."

After Twelve Weeks

“I've been to confession and Holy Communion for the first time in 12 weeks,” the English Deacon Nick Donnelly wrote on Twitter. Quote, “I was so deeply moved to receive Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. I must admit it brought tears to my eyes.” “I prayed many times, "I've missed you so much!" Donnelly concludes, “This is why Catholics die for the Blessed Sacrament.”

Suspicious Financial Activities

In 2019, the Financial Information Authority of the Vatican (AIF) informed the Prosecutors Office 15 times about suspicious financial activities in accounts connected with the Vatican Bank. Most of the cases didn’t regard the Vatican but foreign countries. Last year, the number of those working for AIF went from six to twelve.
Don Reto Nay
@Robert Belarmin @Fischl: I read that the "Kurier" appeared the first time on the 27th of August 1945 under the name "Wiener Kurier". So it should be possible to go to a Vienna library and find out whether this paper has something on Irlmayer on the date of 12th October 1945.
Don Reto Nay
@Robert Belarmin: So is this information from German wikipedia wrong? "Der am 27. August 1945 erstmals erscheinende Wiener Kurier wurde von der US-amerikanischen Besatzungsmacht gegründet"
Don Reto Nay
@Robert Belarmin: Your contribution is that you have found the date 12th october 1945. It should probably be possible to find this issue in some library. If it doesn't mention Irlmaier then the whole thing is invented.
@Don Reto Nay @Robert Belarmin It has never appeared in the Wiener Kurier. I checked the whole jear 1945 in the Nationalbibliothek.
Don Reto Nay
@Fischl: Thanks. Then this is likely a fraud.
Don Reto Nay
Thank you very much indeed: I don't find another Kurier that was published in 1945, so again, this is almost certainly a fraud.
@Robert Belarmin which date of Wiener Kurier in 1945 ?
He's a fake. So judges GTV's Official Self-Appointed and Entirely Correct Seer.(that's me, btw).
"America will assassinate their own presidents."
That's a "prophecy" that came true back in 1865. Wow. A seer who correctly predicts things that already happened. So when I predict Juno Alaska will see a terrible, terrible blizzard, I'm a "seer" too, amirite?
"The blacks who have been in the dust for …More
He's a fake. So judges GTV's Official Self-Appointed and Entirely Correct Seer.(that's me, btw).

"America will assassinate their own presidents."

That's a "prophecy" that came true back in 1865. Wow. A seer who correctly predicts things that already happened. So when I predict Juno Alaska will see a terrible, terrible blizzard, I'm a "seer" too, amirite?

"The blacks who have been in the dust for so long, will get the power."

...and that already happend in Haiti back in 1793. So he's predicting the same thing would happen here?

Except it hasn't. The "blacks" haven't gotten any power. They're a sheltered, protected "victim group". Everything they have as a racial group comes from Whitey.

The "blacks" can't even compete in the job market against other minority groups without needing federally mandated hiring quotas legislated by well-meanng white leftists.

"immorality and crime will be called originality."

Too bad that's a prediction that had already happened in Germany back in the 1930s. Adolph and The Gang (not to be confused with Kool and The Gang) described Degenerate Art in that same manner.

So his "prediction" is just more recycled old news.

Wait, wait... GTV's Official Seer is about to make another prediction.

-Pope Francis will say something stupid and contrary to established Catholic teachings before year's end.

-A Jesuit or Jesuit group will promote homosexuality in a public way before Christmas.

-Joseph Biden will publicly stumble over his words on the campaign trail at least twice.

As GTV's Official Seer, I formally predict these shall come to pass.

I will gladly accept a permanent ban if any of these predictions don't happen. Let's have some Seer Accountability. :D

I also predict eticacassanova will get inflamed over something I write at least once more before Christmas. :D

"I see the skyscrapers imploding."

Is that a seer talking about September 11th? No, more recycled old news. Big buildings fell down back in the early 1900s.

So he predicted another big building would do the same thing. My earlier prediction about another GTV user came true, btw. Really it did.

jmy1975 ended up "blocking" me. Seriously, how tough was it to predict something like that? ;-)

Again, it's "prediction" based entirely on pre-existing events that would inevitably going to come true sooner or later.

"America will wage war in the East all the time and never win again."

...and the Bavarian seer just discredited himself.

Every time we go into the Middle East we've won. Name one Middle Eastern country that ever chased us out once we we sent in troops.

Iraq? Nope..
Libya? Nope.
Afghanistan? Nope.

Maybe I'm wrong. Let's ask Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi and Osama Bin Laden. and Hamza Bin Laden and Qasem Soleimani.Any of you guys ever beat the USA?

Aw, that's right. They're not going to answer because they're all dead. :D

Mr. Bavarian Seer hasn't correctly predicted anything. What he's done is "predict" things based on what already happened.

...and his foreign policy prediction turned out flat-out wrong. At least my predictions always come true. ;-)
YOURE A FRAUD modernist
I'm neither a modernist nor a fraud @malemp Now fraud is an EASY thing to prove in this context. All of my predictions will come true by the times I have given.
When they don't THEN you can accuse me of being a fraud. Not before.
As for the claim of "modernist" prove it.
You made the claim now back it up. Put up or shut up, you yammering little moron. That's the problems with clowns like you. …More
I'm neither a modernist nor a fraud @malemp Now fraud is an EASY thing to prove in this context. All of my predictions will come true by the times I have given.

When they don't THEN you can accuse me of being a fraud. Not before.

As for the claim of "modernist" prove it.

You made the claim now back it up. Put up or shut up, you yammering little moron. That's the problems with clowns like you. All you can do is run your mouth, but you can't ever, ever, EVER make good on it.