
Covid Bishop: “To Celebrate Mass It Is Imperative To Be Fully VACCINATED”

“Anyone who doesn't receive the [Covid] vaccines may find himself limited in his ministry,” Hamilton Bishop Douglas Crosby, Canada - who believes in homosex and expels priest who criticise homosex ideology - wrote to his clergy in a July 20 letter obtained by LifeSiteNews.com.

Crosby urges the priests to continue observing the "wise counsel of the health authorities." Priests who don’t take a coronavirus vaccination “may not be permitted entrance to health care facilities (hospitals and nursing homes) and schools,” the bishop predicts.

Therefore: “In order that all clergy can carry out their ministries effectively, including celebrating Mass and the other Sacraments, it is imperative that they get fully vaccinated.”

Crosby refers to Francis who “reminds us that it is a moral imperative" - Francis' last and only one - "that everyone get vaccinated.” There are no independent studies showing that Covid vaccinations prevent from spreading the relatively harmless Covid virus or from being infected by it.


John A Cassani
What about the CDF document, which unfortunately accepted the morality of the jab, but upheld a person’s right not to be vaccinated? Why should a piece of verbal trash from Francis outweigh that?
It’s all about power.
WaY to much VII cool-aide!
There is much ink being spilt in taking on the apostates and bad clergy in the church. You will know they are truly serious when they start talking about the Fatima and the consecration of Russia.Haven't see much do far.
Live Mike