
Francis Fights against “Sterile Traditionalism”

In a message to the May 28 Festa del Voto in Sassari - celebrated since 1943 when a vigil to Our Lady of Grace protected Sassari while other Sardinian cities were bombed - Francis mentions the Mediatrix …More
In a message to the May 28 Festa del Voto in Sassari - celebrated since 1943 when a vigil to Our Lady of Grace protected Sassari while other Sardinian cities were bombed - Francis mentions the Mediatrix of all graces which in December 2019 he called "foolishness."
He added his inevitable buzzwords ("pastoral conversion", "spiritual renewal", "synodality") and then threw a tantrum, “Do not give in to the temptation to remain anchored in a nostalgic popular piety that consists only of external rites or in a sterile traditionalism that is rather the expression of the dead faith of the living.”
For Francis, there is at currently a great danger of "going backwards” that "leads us to think according to the logic: it has always been done this way.”
This was obviously a reference to a rampant Vatican II nostalgia that insists on liturgical forms that have failed for more than half a century.
Picture: © Mazur/cbcew.org.uk, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsHgaxfscnbu
Bonnie Louise
Whatever it take, make it stop.
Tony M
Jorge is a conman.....he is attempting to con faithful Catholics into thinking that the Catholic Church founded by God Himself & Its 2000 year Constant & Unchangeable Teaching is a bad thing.
And he is doing this with the slick wordplays of a conman.
Do not take on board a single word this charlatan says!!!!!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I wish the faithful would start attacking him, his agenda and rejecting his appointees (especially the new heretic in Buenos Aires, Argentina). I would love to see faithful Catholics stand up to him, and holler at him or boo him at an audience, and bring out pro-Latin Mass, pro-Tradition posters. He'd probably have a heart-attack.
Nope. Not sterile at all. We're breeding like rabbits 😂 😂 😂 !
P. O'B
Francis knows how easy it is to attack a straw man., which he has done so often his papacy. What a nasty guy!
False, Jorge. That's the exact opposite of what is true. Tradition is fruitful, that's why you're seeking to supress it. It's sodomy that is sterile.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Get back in your wheelchair and keep your mouth shut, Francis. 😡 😡
Jan Joseph
Onze arme Paus Franciscus heeft allang de strijdt met de groep snel groeiende Traditionele Rooms Katholieken verloren en zijn Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerk staat op instorten. De Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerken worden met honderden tegelijk gesloten, in het piep kleine Nederland gaan er al ca. 50 Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerken per jaar dicht. Wil de laatste gelovige niet vergeten het licht …More
Onze arme Paus Franciscus heeft allang de strijdt met de groep snel groeiende Traditionele Rooms Katholieken verloren en zijn Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerk staat op instorten. De Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerken worden met honderden tegelijk gesloten, in het piep kleine Nederland gaan er al ca. 50 Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerken per jaar dicht. Wil de laatste gelovige niet vergeten het licht uit te doen?