Feast of St. Valentine - the Gospel Speaks about the Sword. Father Reto Nay 16 th of February 2011 Sedrun, SwitzerlandMore
Feast of St. Valentine - the Gospel Speaks about the Sword.
Father Reto Nay
16 th of February 2011
Sedrun, Switzerland
God is Love Itself.Jesus Christ,the Living Word of The One True God ,foretold by the prophets of Old and revealed in the Good News of the New Testament is the double edge Sword we are to conquer the Darkness with,for He is The Light of the world.Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.Let's proclaim it with the enthusiasm and courage of the first Apostles. " I AM the Way,The Truth and …More
God is Love Itself.Jesus Christ,the Living Word of The One True God ,foretold by the prophets of Old and revealed in the Good News of the New Testament is the double edge Sword we are to conquer the Darkness with,for He is The Light of the world.Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.Let's proclaim it with the enthusiasm and courage of the first Apostles. " I AM the Way,The Truth and The Life " ." Tell them I AM send you". - Jesus Christ. " In the begining was The Word and The Word was with God and The Word was God..." - this testament of Our Lord and Saviour alone has the power to make believers out of those who never knew Him. All one needs to proclaim His Truth is pair of sandals and one tunic to go and preach the Good News,for we all will be judged on how we had received His Living Word,for", NOBODYcomes to the Father,but through Me " saith The Lord,whose love for us is revealed in this that He loved us,before we loved Him,and He gave His Life for forgiveness of our sins.Did you share your own encounter with Christ with any soul deprived the wisdom and light of His Word today?
This is deep and I really got a lot from it. Thank you Fr. Nay it got me thinking. - The end result of loving God first is that you then do begin to love people because He loves them and for no other reason and begin to see them in the light of their eternal destiny. This is the way I would like to be but alas.....!!! - Blessings - Rene
Holy Cannoli
Today's presentation was similar to that of 8/2/11.
At the End Only One Thing Remains - To Be His Disciple
As you've indicated, there is a difference between earthy love and the love of God. What may seem to be a contraction is that those who are deeply in Love with God and who have sacrificed their entire lives in His service, are found to be very attractive to other like minded individuals in …More
Today's presentation was similar to that of 8/2/11.
At the End Only One Thing Remains - To Be His Disciple

As you've indicated, there is a difference between earthy love and the love of God. What may seem to be a contraction is that those who are deeply in Love with God and who have sacrificed their entire lives in His service, are found to be very attractive to other like minded individuals in this world although that is not their intent.

St. Pio of Pietrelcina comes to mind in our time but, based on the Gospels and epistles, I am absolutely sure that Sts. Peter and Paul were also very charismatic (not in the modernist sense) men who inspired many others with their lives and were loved by men on account of their self-sacrificing love for God. Of course, not all earthly men are so attracted to those who love God. Indeed, Peter and Paul were eventually martyred specifically because of it.

Of course there have also been cloistered saints (St. Thérèse of Lisieux) whose lives were unknown to the outside world until after their deaths. They also served the Body of Christ in a less well-known way compared to Sts Peter and Paul. The lives of these “hidden” saints would be more appealing to those of us with a different personality type: perhaps more reserved.
