
Francis Played Spiritual Director For His Court Journalist’s Mother

Francis used to provide private spiritual assistance by phone to Andrea Tornielli's mother Nora, LaVerita.info (November 17) writes.

Tornielli, 55, is the editorial director of the Vatican’s Dicastery for Communication since December 2018.

A member of the now decaying but once excellent Italian movement Comunione e Liberazione, Tornielli used to be a respectable journalist until he joined Francis’ magic circle and was quickly promoted to high Vatican ranks.

Now, he defends those heresies which, only a few years earlier, he would have forcefully opposed.

LaVerita.info knows that Tornielli would like to succeed the present luckless editor in chief of L’Osservatore Romano, Andrea Monda.

Earlier, Tornielli attempted to become the editor in chief of Avvenire, the pro-homosex daily of the Italian bishops. However, the bishops declined because they have still not forgiven him his Catholic past.

Tornielli also considers becoming the editor in chief of the Italian newspaper La Stampa which is owned by the De Benedetti oligarch family.

For La Stampa he created “Vatican Insider,” now a boring tool for spreading Francis propaganda.

Picture: Andrea Tornielli, © Medol, wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsSwpznnkdbi