No Justice: Priest’s Cruel Murder Remains Unsolved March 4 was the 23rd anniversary of the unsolved homicide of Father Alfred Kunz, an outstanding priest and canon lawyer of Madison Diocese, Wisconsin …More
No Justice: Priest’s Cruel Murder Remains Unsolved

March 4 was the 23rd anniversary of the unsolved homicide of Father Alfred Kunz, an outstanding priest and canon lawyer of Madison Diocese, Wisconsin, Matt C. Abbot wrote on RenewAmerica.com. Kunz celebrated also the Traditional Latin Mass. He was the longtime pastor of St. Michael Catholic Church in the small rural village of Dane, a staunch pro-lifer, and an unofficial exorcist.

Various Theories

On the morning of March 4, 1998, Kunz’s body was found in a large pool of blood in the hallway of the parish school. His throat had been slashed, and he was left to bleed out. Various theories were put forth as to the killer's motive. Burglary is one theory, jealousy, betrayal, or a satanic cult among others. Kunz’s personal investigations into clergy corruption – he was an adviser to Catholic activist Stephen Brady, founder of The Roman Catholic Faithful – is yet another.

The First Suspect

For a while, Brian J. Jackson, then in his mid-20s, the school teacher who discovered Kunz's body, was a suspect. He had a strained relationship with the priest. However, in 2018, the sheriff’s office confirmed to Abbot that Jackson was no longer the primary target of the investigation. When approached at his home by a reporter from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jackson professed his innocence but politely declined to be interviewed.

Satanic Murder?

Famous Father Malachi Martin knew Kunz who consulted with him on exorcisms. Martin believed – and so did the famous Jesuit Father John A. Hardon - that Kunz died from a satanist-inflicted death, because his body allegedly showed various signs of desecration. However, according to Abbott, Martin’s assumptions were wrong. The priest’s body did not have injuries that would lead investigators to suspect a ritual or satanic killing. The theory of a Wikipedia slanderer that Kunz had “molested” one of the children at the parish school was officially refuted by the Sheriff's Office in 2019.

A Testimony

Father Richard Heilman of Madison Diocese became acquainted with Father Kunz in 1998, one year before he was murdered. Heilman had come to the conclusion, that we had lost the ability to help the faithful become predisposed to supernatural grace. He shared this with a religious sister who introduced him to Father Kunz. In 2018, Heilman wrote about this meeting – quote, “There was something sublime about him. I felt like I was in the presence of a truly holy man. He was humble, gentle and kind. He spoke to me about a need for greater attention to the supernatural.”
Holy Cannoli
The First Suspect is the guy who discovered the body. This is how law-enforcement actually approaches investigations. They decide on a " primary target" based on their "gut instincts" and then try to make the evidence fit, one way or the other.
Some years back, I was a guest at a Thanksgiving dinner. The head of the household, a retired police detective, had entirely too much to drink and was …More
The First Suspect is the guy who discovered the body. This is how law-enforcement actually approaches investigations. They decide on a " primary target" based on their "gut instincts" and then try to make the evidence fit, one way or the other.

Some years back, I was a guest at a Thanksgiving dinner. The head of the household, a retired police detective, had entirely too much to drink and was carrying on about his days on the force. One thing he said has always stayed with me. "We don't care about getting the guy who did it. We care about getting a conviction. If we catch the guy who did it afterwards, that's even better. Then we get TWO convictions." He wasn't joking or being sarcastic, either. He was drunk and, as the Romans famously noticed, in wine there is truth.

This is why cynical people never, ever discover bodies. Someone's laying there in a huge puddle of blood? They probably just passed out and had a nose-bleed. Flies are buzzing around the body? Probably forgot to take a bath, too. Skin's gray and flaking off already? It's a prank reality show. You're being filmed so just walk by and let somone else end up looking silly when the "zombie" jumps up.

But discovering a dead body? Nope. People who discover dead bodies are automatically branded as "The First Suspect", especially if law-enforcement discovers the two previously knew each other. Just look at this case. Even now the school teacher who discovered the body is still in the cross-hairs and the sheriff's deparment won't defend him.